New pterosaur species discovered in western Queensland

Curtin University-led research has unveiled a groundbreaking discovery in : fossilized bones unearthed in western Queensland, Australia, have been identified as belonging to a newly recognized of pterosaur, a formidable flying reptile that coexisted with .

The detailed study, titled “Haliskia peterseni, a new anhanguerian pterosaur from the late Early Cretaceous of Australia,” has been published in the esteemed journal Scientific Reports. The discovery was made in 2021 by Kevin Petersen, curator of the Kronosaurus Korner museum. The fossilized remains have now been classified as Haliskia peterseni, representing a new genus and species of anhanguerian pterosaur.

A research team led by Ph.D. student Adele Pentland from Curtin's School of Earth and Planetary Sciences identified the specimen as an anhanguerian pterosaur. This classification was based on distinct features such as the shape of its skull, the arrangement of its teeth, and the structure of its shoulder . Anhanguerian pterosaurs were a diverse group of flying reptiles known to have lived worldwide, with fossil evidence found in regions that are now Brazil, England, Morocco, China, , and the United States.

Ms. Pentland explained the significance of the discovery: “With a wingspan of approximately 4.6 meters, Haliskia would have been a fearsome predator around 100 million years ago when much of central western Queensland was submerged under a vast inland sea. At that time, this region was globally positioned near where Victoria's southern coastline is today.”

The fossil remains, meticulously prepared by Mr. Petersen, represent the most complete specimen of an anhanguerian—and any pterosaur—discovered in Australia to date. Haliskia is 22 percent complete, which is more than twice as complete as the only other known partial pterosaur skeleton found in the country.

The specimen includes complete lower jaws, the tip of the upper jaw, 43 teeth, vertebrae, ribs, bones from both wings, and part of a leg. Remarkably, very thin and delicate throat bones were also found, suggesting the presence of a muscular tongue that likely aided in feeding on fish and cephalopods.

Haliskia peterseni now joins several significant marine fossil specimens on display at Kronosaurus Korner. This includes the Kronosaurus queenslandicus, the largest marine reptile with a skull at least 2.4 meters long, the most complete plesiosaur from Australia, and bones from the plesiosaur Eromangasaurus and the ichthyosaur Platypterygius.

Mr. Petersen expressed his excitement about the discovery, highlighting its importance for science, education, and regional tourism. “I'm thrilled that my discovery is a , as my passion lies in helping shape our modern knowledge of prehistoric species,” he said.

This discovery not only enriches our understanding of prehistoric life in Australia but also underscores the value of regional museums and their contributions to paleontological research. The addition of Haliskia peterseni to the offers new insights into the diversity and of pterosaurs, enhancing our comprehension of the ecosystems they inhabited.

Source: Curtin University