Researchers discover first case of down syndrome in a Neanderthal child

A groundbreaking study published by an international team, including faculty from Binghamton University, State University of New York, has documented the first known case of Down syndrome in . This discovery sheds new light on the social behaviors of our relatives, revealing their capacity for altruistic care and support for vulnerable members within their groups.

The research, led by anthropologists from the University of Alcalá and the University of Valencia in , focused on the of a Neanderthal child named “Tina.” These remains were found at Cova Negra, a cave in Valencia renowned for its significant Neanderthal discoveries. The findings are detailed in a paper published in the journal Science Advances.

“The excavations at Cova Negra have been key to understanding the way of life of the Neanderthals along the coast of the ,” said Valentín Villaverde, Professor of at the University of Valencia. “They have allowed us to define the occupations of the settlement: short temporal durations with a small number of individuals, alternating with the presence of carnivores.”

The research team utilized micro-computed tomography scans of a small cranial fragment, specifically the right temporal containing the ear region, to create a three-dimensional model for detailed measurement and analysis. The scans revealed that Tina suffered from a congenital pathology of the inner ear associated with Down syndrome, leading to severe hearing loss and disabling vertigo. Despite these challenges, Tina survived to at least six years of age, indicating she received substantial care from her social group.

3D model of the inner ear of fossil CN-46700. Credit: Science Advances

“This is a fantastic study, combining rigorous archaeological excavations, modern medical imaging techniques, and diagnostic criteria to document Down syndrome in a Neanderthal individual for the first time,” said Rolf Quam, Professor of Anthropology at Binghamton University. “The results have significant implications for our understanding of Neanderthal behavior.”

While it has been known for decades that Neanderthals cared for disabled individuals, all previously known cases involved adults, which some scientists argued could be explained by reciprocal exchange rather than true altruism. The case of Tina, however, challenges this view.

“What was not known until now was any case of an individual who had received help, even if they could not return the favor, which would prove the existence of true altruism among Neanderthals,” explained Mercedes Conde, Professor at the University of Alcalá and lead author of the study. “That is precisely what the discovery of Tina means.”

This discovery not only enhances our understanding of Neanderthal social structures and behaviors but also underscores the depth of their compassion and care for each other, qualities that bridge the gap between them and .

Source: Binghamton University