Study finds link between isolated fetal ventriculomegaly and autism traits at school age

In a recent publication in Nature Communications, researchers from King’s College London’s Centre for the Developing Brain have utilized MRI brain scans of children diagnosed with isolated fetal ventriculomegaly to investigate the presence of autism traits at primary school age and measure neurodevelopment. The study consisted of two groups of children – one with a … Read more

Backpack-laden myeloid cells show promise for treating multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a devastating autoimmune disorder that damages the protective myelin coating surrounding nerves, disrupting the communication between the brain and body, leading to a gradual decline in physical and cognitive abilities. Shockingly, the MS atlas reported that a person is diagnosed with MS every five minutes globally, with around 2.8 million people … Read more

New tendon-mimetic hydrogel developed with outstanding mechanical properties and multifunctionalities

Clinical medicine faces a major challenge in repairing or replacing injured tendons and other load-bearing tissues. Natural tendons are water-rich tissues with exceptional mechanical strength and durability, thanks to their microscale structures comprising stiff collagen fibrils interlaced with soft water-retaining biopolymers. Efforts have been made in the past few decades to use synthetic hydrogels, a … Read more