Scientists create opioid with reduced overdose potential

Opioid medications offer people relief from debilitating pain, but these drugs come with dangers: the risk for addiction, miserable withdrawal symptoms and the potential for fatal overdose. In a study appearing in ACS Central Science, researchers have identified a strategy to design safer opioids. They showed that an experimental opioid, which binds to an unconventional … Read more

Novel mechanism for kidney regeneration discovered

A recent study led by USC Stem Cell scientist Janos Peti-Peterdi reveals that a loss of salt and body fluid can stimulate kidney regeneration and repair in mice. This groundbreaking research, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, uncovers an innate regenerative response driven by a small population of kidney cells known as the macula … Read more

Telo-seq: A high-resolution method for studying telomere dynamics in aging and disease

Within each of our cells, long strands of DNA are folded into chromosomes and capped with protective structures called telomeres. Telomeres shorten as we age, eventually becoming so diminished that our chromosomes are exposed, leading to cell death. The specifics of this shortening process, and whether certain chromosomes are more affected than others, have remained … Read more

Study discovers promising immune response for early ovarian cancer diagnosis

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) announced the discovery of a novel immune-based biomarker that could pave the way for potential lifesaving early detection of high-grade ovarian cancer (HGOC). The findings were published today in the journal Cell Reports Medicine. High-grade ovarian cancer (HGOC) is the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related death among women. More than 90% of … Read more

New nanomedicine therapy combines drug delivery and enhanced immunity for lung cancer

Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital have developed a new nanomedicine therapy that delivers anticancer drugs to lung cancer cells and enhances the immune system’s ability to fight cancer. The team showed promising results for the new therapy in cancer cells in the lab and in mouse lung tumor models, with potential applications for improving … Read more

New studies reveal how sleep fine-tunes memories during rest

Imagine you’re a student, it’s finals week, and you’re preparing for a big exam: do you pull an all-nighter or do you get some rest? As many a groggy-eyed person who’s stared blankly at a test knows, a lack of sleep can make it extraordinarily difficult to retain information. Two new studies from University of … Read more

Vitamin B6 breakdown inhibitor shows promise for vrain disorders

A low vitamin B6 level has negative effects on brain performance. A research team from Würzburg University Medicine has now found a way to delay the degradation of the vitamin. Vitamin B6 is important for brain metabolism. Accordingly, in various mental illnesses, a low vitamin B6 level is associated with impaired memory and learning abilities, … Read more

Study reveals coordinated carbon fixation strategies in deep-sea vent symbionts

In the deep-sea environment of the East Pacific Rise, where sunlight does not penetrate and the surroundings are known for their extreme temperatures, skull-crushing pressures, and toxic compounds, lives Riftia pachyptila, a giant hydrothermal vent tubeworm. Growing up to 6 feet tall with a deep-red plume, Riftia does not have a digestive system but thrives … Read more

Ancient Egyptian skulls offer evidence of possible cancer treatment

From ancient texts we know that—for their times—the ancient Egyptians were exceptionally skilled at medicine. For example, they could identify, describe, and treat diseases and traumatic injuries, build protheses, and put in dental fillings. Other conditions, like cancer, they couldn’t treat—but they might have tried. Examining the limits of traumatological and oncological treatments in ancient … Read more

Researchers discover mechanism disrupting cell signaling pathways

A group of researchers at University of California San Diego has identified the cause of a “short-circuit” in cellular pathways, a discovery that sheds new light on the genesis of a number of human diseases. The recent study, published in the journal Science Signaling, explores the biochemical mechanism that can interrupt the cellular communication chain—a … Read more

Human monoclonal antibodies show promise as treatment and prevention for influenza B

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) have made a significant breakthrough by isolating human monoclonal antibodies against influenza B. This virus is a notable public health threat, particularly affecting children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. While seasonal flu vaccines provide coverage against both influenza A and B, they do not always … Read more

Azole antifungals trigger self-destruction in pathogens, study reveals

Scientists have discovered that the most widely-used class of antifungals in the world causes pathogens to self-destruct. The University of Exeter-led research could help improve ways to protect food security and human lives. Fungal diseases account for the loss of up to a quarter of the world’s crops. They also pose a risk to humans … Read more

Scientists reveal sex-specific cognitive effects of astrocyte receptors

Scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine have discovered groundbreaking evidence that astrocyte receptors can have opposite effects on cognitive function in male and female preclinical models. This finding highlights the significant role of astrocytes—brain cells that support and regulate neurons—in sex-specific brain mechanisms. Traditionally, studies have focused on the behavioral effects of astrocytic receptors, predominantly in … Read more

New research reveals loss of intestinal stem cells as early trigger for colorectal cancer

Research led by Weill Cornell Medicine has uncovered pivotal evidence suggesting that most colorectal cancers originate from the loss of intestinal stem cells prior to the onset of cancer-causing genetic mutations. This breakthrough, detailed in a study published on May 29 in Developmental Cell, challenges the longstanding theory of colorectal tumor initiation and opens new … Read more

Study reveals surprising dynamics of brain blood flow

For the first time, researchers have successfully visualized the intricate network of blood vessels spanning the cortex of awake mice. Their groundbreaking observations revealed that these blood vessels rhythmically expand and contract, creating “waves” that wash across the brain’s surface. This discovery, published in the journal Neuron, significantly enhances our understanding of cerebral blood flow, … Read more

Study links PI5P4K activity to hippo pathway regulation in cancer

Within the intricate landscape of cell membrane lipids and the kinase enzymes that regulate them, phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) have long dominated scientific research, particularly due to their roles in cancer, diabetes, and various cellular functions. However, the spotlight on PI3Ks has often overshadowed other crucial members of this lipid enzyme family, including phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinases (PI5P4Ks). … Read more

First-ever measurement of promethium’s chemical bond fills gap in rare earth knowledge

Scientists have recently uncovered new properties of promethium, a rare earth element first discovered 80 years ago at Clinton Laboratories, now known as the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This breakthrough opens a new pathway for exploring elements that are critical in modern technology, including applications in medicine and space travel. Promethium, … Read more

Advancements in thermophotovoltaic cells edge closer to grid-scale applications

Researchers at the University of Michigan have made significant strides in the efficiency of devices that convert heat into electricity, pushing these technologies closer to practical use on the electrical grid. These developments, which include reaching near-theoretical maximum efficiencies, could revolutionize how we store and utilize renewable energy. Harnessing Heat for Energy Storage The innovation … Read more

How brain activation affects behavior

Our brains are made of tens of billions of nerve cells called neurons. These cells communicate with each other through biomolecules called neurotransmitters. Serotonin, a type of neurotransmitter, is produced by serotonin neurons in our brains and influences many of our behavioral and cognitive functions such as memory, sleep, and mood. Using mice, scientists at … Read more

How viruses could become the next cancer treatment

In the global quest for effective cancer treatments, researchers are uncovering promising strategies in the most unexpected of places: the very viruses we typically strive to avoid. Pathogens such as the common cold and influenza, once seen solely as threats to our health, are now being studied for their potential to target and destroy cancer … Read more