Researchers control quantum states with spin-polarized currents

Researchers at ETH Zurich have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum physics by demonstrating that quantum states of single electron spins can be controlled using spin-polarized electron currents. This pioneering method holds potential for future applications in electronic circuit elements, potentially revolutionizing data storage and processing. The Spin of Electrons Electrons possess an intrinsic angular … Read more

Researchers develop platform to control qubits in silicon defects for quantum communications

The dream of a quantum internet, one capable of unprecedented levels of security and computational power, is tantalizingly close. Making this dream a reality would be significantly more feasible if we could harness existing telecommunications technologies and infrastructure. Recently, researchers have made significant strides in this direction by exploring defects in silicon—a ubiquitous semiconductor material—as … Read more

Entangled photons break rotation sensitivity records

A team of researchers led by Philip Walther at the University of Vienna carried out a pioneering experiment where they measured the effect of the rotation of Earth on quantum entangled photons. The work, published in Science Advances, represents a significant achievement that pushes the boundaries of rotation sensitivity in entanglement-based sensors, potentially setting the … Read more

Record-breaking fusion data now open to all

High-temperature fusion plasma experiments conducted in the Large Helical Device (LHD) of the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), have renewed the world record for an acquired data amount, 0.92 terabytes (TB) per experiment, in February 2022, by using a full range of state-of-the-art plasma diagnostic devices. The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), which is … Read more

New method for quieting the quantum world

One of the biggest challenges in quantum technology and quantum sensing is “noise”–seemingly random environmental disturbances that can disrupt the delicate quantum states of qubits, the fundamental units of quantum information. Looking deeper at this issue, JILA Associate Fellow and University of Colorado Boulder Physics Assistant Professor Shuo Sun collaborated with Andrés Montoya-Castillo, Assistant Professor … Read more

3D-printed photonic lantern enables compact spatial mode (De-)multiplexing

Optical waves propagating through air or multi-mode fiber can be patterned or decomposed using orthogonal spatial modes, with far-ranging applications in imaging, communication, and directed energy. Yet the systems that perform these wavefront manipulations are cumbersome and large, restricting their utilization to high-end applications. The development of a free-standing microscale photonic lantern spatial mode (de-)multiplexer … Read more

Researchers develop advanced metaholograms with enhanced image projection capabilities

Researchers have developed a groundbreaking type of hologram known as ‘metaholograms,’ which can project multiple high-fidelity images without any crosstalk. This innovation marks a significant advancement in holographic technology and holds promise for future applications in virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) displays, information storage, and image encryption. The findings have been published in the journal … Read more

Scientists develop data-driven method to speed up electron-phonon interaction calculations

Materials scientists and engineers aim to understand electron interactions and movements in novel materials to predict the behavior of devices made from these materials. Key questions include whether electrical current will flow easily, if there is a temperature at which the material becomes superconducting, and how long the quantum state of an electron spin will … Read more

New model predicts stability limits for plasmas in spherical tokamaks

Harnessing energy from plasma involves a precise understanding of its behavior during fusion, particularly in maintaining its heat, density, and stability. A new theoretical model focusing on a plasma’s edge, which can become unstable and bulge, brings commercial fusion power closer to realization. “The model refines the thinking on stabilizing the edge of the plasma … Read more

Direct observation of polar bloch points in ferroelectric films

A Bloch point is a singular point in a magnetic or electric field where the vectors are oriented in nearly all directions. This unique feature serves as a critical link between classical and quantum magnetism. In magnetics, Bloch points have remained elusive and have not been directly observed. Similarly, in the realm of ferroelectrics, the … Read more

Antiferroelectric films show promise for overcoming clamping issues in miniaturized piezoelectric devices

Lighting a gas grill, getting an ultrasound, using an ultrasonic toothbrush—these actions involve the use of materials that can translate an electric voltage into a change in shape and vice versa. Known as piezoelectricity, the ability to trade between mechanical stress and electric charge can be harnessed widely in capacitors, actuators, transducers and sensors like … Read more

Iron cathodes for lithium-ion batteries promise sustainability and cost reduction

What if a common element, rather than scarce and expensive ones, became a key component in electric car batteries? A groundbreaking collaboration, co-led by an Oregon State University chemistry researcher, is aiming to ignite a green battery revolution by demonstrating that iron can replace cobalt and nickel as a cathode material in lithium-ion batteries. The … Read more

Advancements in thermophotovoltaic cells edge closer to grid-scale applications

Researchers at the University of Michigan have made significant strides in the efficiency of devices that convert heat into electricity, pushing these technologies closer to practical use on the electrical grid. These developments, which include reaching near-theoretical maximum efficiencies, could revolutionize how we store and utilize renewable energy. Harnessing Heat for Energy Storage The innovation … Read more

Adjustable filter paves the way for next-gen wireless communication

In the early 2010s, LightSquared, a multibillion-dollar startup promising to revolutionize cellular communications, declared bankruptcy. The company couldn’t figure out how to prevent its signals from interfering with those of GPS systems. Now, Penn Engineers have developed a new tool that could prevent such problems from ever happening again: an adjustable filter that can successfully prevent … Read more

Researchers develop compact device for characterizing quantum photons

An increasing number of emerging quantum applications operate using optical technologies. Essentially, photons carry information at the speed of light and over long distances, making them good candidates for fast and secure communications and quantum computing. Many of these applications require photons that are identical (indistinguishable). When the photons are not identical, it can lead … Read more

New approach uses non-gaussian states to describe and control spin-boson systems in quantum devices

Many of today’s quantum devices rely on collections of qubits, also called spins. These quantum bits have only two energy levels, the “0” and the “1.” However, spins in real devices also interact with light and vibrations known as bosons, greatly complicating calculations. In a new publication in Physical Review Letters, researchers in Amsterdam demonstrate … Read more

Scientists discover fundamental property of photons to aid fusion energy

Both literally and figuratively, light pervades the world. It banishes darkness, conveys telecommunications signals between continents and makes visible the invisible, from faraway galaxies to the smallest bacterium. Light can also help heat the plasma within ring-shaped devices known as tokamaks as scientists worldwide strive to harness the fusion process to generate green electricity. Now, … Read more

Researchers discover novel antiaromatic π-stacking system for conductive liquid crystals

In organic chemistry, π-stacking systems are supramolecular structures that arise due to the dispersion force, a type of intermolecular noncovalent interaction. They are a common occurrence in nature. The stabilized structure of DNA is a very prominent example of a π-stacking system, and so are the arrangement of amino acids in certain proteins. Interestingly, π-stacking … Read more

Scientists achieve chip-scale entangled photon source in silicon carbide

Quantum information science is truly fascinating—pairs of tiny particles can be entangled such that an operation on either one will affect them both even if they are physically separated. A seemingly magical process called teleportation can share information between different far-flung quantum systems. These different systems can be coupled using quantum processes to form quantum … Read more

Stable magnetic skyrmion bundles achieved at room temperature without external fields

Recently, the research team led by Prof. Du Haifeng from the High Magnetic Field laboratory at Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences achieved stable magnetic bundles at room temperature without the need for any external magnetic field. Their work is published in Nature Communications. Topological magnetic structures are a type of spin arrangement … Read more