Physicists achieve breakthrough in quantum entanglement with top quarks

A team of physicists led by University of Rochester professor Regina Demina has made a groundbreaking discovery in the realm of quantum entanglement, an enigmatic phenomenon famously referred to by Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance.” Quantum entanglement involves the interlinked behavior of tiny particles that, once having interacted, can influence each other … Read more

New technique enables on-demand creation of qubits in silicon with atomic precision

Quantum computers have the potential to solve complex problems in human health, drug discovery, and artificial intelligence millions of times faster than some of the world’s fastest supercomputers. A network of quantum computers could advance these discoveries even faster. But before that can happen, the computer industry will need a reliable way to string together … Read more

New method for quieting the quantum world

One of the biggest challenges in quantum technology and quantum sensing is “noise”–seemingly random environmental disturbances that can disrupt the delicate quantum states of qubits, the fundamental units of quantum information. Looking deeper at this issue, JILA Associate Fellow and University of Colorado Boulder Physics Assistant Professor Shuo Sun collaborated with Andrés Montoya-Castillo, Assistant Professor … Read more

Scientists discover unforeseen vortex behavior in light particles

Vortices are a common physical phenomenon. You find them in the structure of galaxies, tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as in a cup of tea, or water as it drains from the bathtub. Normally, vortices are formed when very fast-flowing air, water or another substance encounters an area with a slower flow. They are characterized … Read more

Quantum system-on-chip architecture for large-scale quantum computing

Quantum computers hold the promise of solving extremely complex problems rapidly—tasks that could take the world’s most powerful supercomputers decades to crack. However, achieving such performance requires building a system with millions of interconnected qubits. The creation and control of such vast numbers of qubits in a hardware architecture is a formidable challenge that scientists … Read more

Engineers develop world-record microwave squeezer for dark matter detection

UNSW quantum engineers have developed a new amplifier that could help other scientists search for elusive dark matter particles. Imagine throwing a ball. You’d expect science to be able to work out its exact speed and location at any given moment, right? Well, the theory of quantum mechanics says you can’t actually know both with … Read more

Miniaturized quantum light detector paves way for scalable quantum technologies

Researchers at the University of Bristol have made an important breakthrough in scaling quantum technology by integrating the world’s tiniest quantum light detector onto a silicon chip. The paper, “A Bi-CMOS electronic photonic integrated circuit quantum light detector,” was published in Science Advances. A critical moment in unlocking the information age was when scientists and engineers … Read more

Researchers develop tunable nonreciprocal device for quantum computers

Scientists led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst have adapted a device called a microwave circulator for use in quantum computers, allowing them for the first time to precisely tune the exact degree of nonreciprocity between a qubit, the fundamental unit of quantum computing, and a microwave-resonant cavity. The ability to precisely tune the degree … Read more

Researchers discover new entropy rule for quantum entanglement transformations

Bartosz Regula, from the RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing, and Ludovico Lami, from the University of Amsterdam, have unveiled a groundbreaking discovery regarding the elusive nature of quantum entanglement. Their findings, rooted in probabilistic calculations, shed light on a long-hypothesized rule of entropy governing quantum entanglement, a phenomenon central to the potential power of future … Read more

New blueprint for quantum error correction uses qLDPC codes and reconfigurable atom arrays

The fragile qubits that make up quantum computers offer a powerful computational tool, yet also present a conundrum: How can engineers create practical, workable quantum systems out of bits that are so easily disturbed—and wiped of data—by tiny changes in their environment? Engineers have long struggled with how to make quantum computers less error-prone, often … Read more

Scientists achieve targeted laser excitation of thorium nuclei, paving way for advanced clocks and fundamental physics studies

Physicists have been hoping for this moment for a long time: For many years, scientists all around the world have been searching for a very specific state of thorium atomic nuclei that promises revolutionary technological applications. It could be used, for example, to build a nuclear clock that could measure time more precisely than the … Read more

Efficient generation and control of entanglement in superconducting qubit arrays demonstrated

Entanglement is a fascinating phenomenon in the realm of quantum physics, where particles at the atomic level exhibit correlations that defy classical explanations. This unique aspect of quantum mechanics plays a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of quantum systems, particularly in the context of quantum computing. Quantum entanglement refers to the intricate correlation between … Read more

Quantum algorithm revolutionizes simulation of coupled oscillators with exponential speedup

The concept of “coupled oscillations” may not immediately ring a bell, but these phenomena are ubiquitous in nature, manifesting in a variety of systems from mechanical structures to atomic bonds and gravitational interactions. Coupled harmonic oscillators, describing the interactions between masses and springs, serve as a foundational model in science and engineering, offering insights into … Read more

Researchers develop world’s first quantum-gas microscope for strontium atoms

Quantum physics requires high-precision sensing techniques to delve deeper into the microscopic properties of materials. From the analog quantum processors that have emerged recently, quantum-gas microscopes have proven to be powerful tools for understanding quantum systems at the atomic level. These devices produce images of quantum gases with very high resolution: They allow individual atoms … Read more

Tiny thermal sensors promise to supercharge quantum computers

Chasing ever-higher qubit counts in near-term quantum computers constantly demands new feats of engineering. Among the troublesome hurdles of this scaling-up race is refining how qubits are measured. Devices called parametric amplifiers are traditionally used to do these measurements. But as the name suggests, the device amplifies weak signals picked up from the qubits to … Read more

Artificial solid with switchable interactions exhibits topological effects in transport

In principle, one shouldn’t compare apples to oranges. However, in topology, which is a branch of mathematics, one must do just that. Apples and oranges, it turns out, are said to be topologically the same since they both lack a hole—in contrast to doughnuts or coffee cups, for instance, which both have one (the handle … Read more

New microscope sees electrons in a whole new light

Electron spin states can now be probed at much higher resolution and more efficiently, opening new opportunities in materials analysis and data processing technologies. Researchers Koichiro Yaji and Shunsuke Tsuda at the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan have developed an improved type of microscope that can visualize key aspects of electron spin states … Read more

Scientists achieve quantum information storage and retrieval for the first time

Researchers have produced, stored, and retrieved quantum information for the first time, a critical step in quantum networking. The ability to share quantum information is crucial for developing quantum networks for distributed computing and secure communication. Quantum computing will be useful for solving some important types of problems, such as optimizing financial risk, decrypting data, … Read more

Experimental evidence of parity anomaly in topological insulator material

Experimental and theoretical physicists from the Würzburg Institute for Topological Insulators have observed a re-entrant quantum Hall effect in a mercury telluride device and have identified it as a signature of parity anomaly. Topological insulators are materials that can conduct electricity, but only on their surface or edges. No current flows inside them. They are … Read more

Thermoelectric effect reveals full picture of superconducting fluctuations

Weak fluctuations in superconductivity, a precursor phenomenon to superconductivity, have been successfully detected by a research group at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech). This breakthrough was achieved by measuring the thermoelectric effect in superconductors over a wide range of magnetic fields and over a wide range of temperatures, from much higher than the superconducting transition … Read more