Thermoelectric effect reveals full picture of superconducting fluctuations

Weak fluctuations in superconductivity, a precursor phenomenon to superconductivity, have been successfully detected by a research group at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech). This breakthrough was achieved by measuring the thermoelectric effect in superconductors over a wide range of magnetic fields and over a wide range of temperatures, from much higher than the superconducting transition … Read more

Pair distribution function technique unravels hidden electronic state in 1T-TaS2

Research often unfolds as a multistage process. The solution to one question can spark several more, inspiring scientists to reach further and look at the larger problem from several different perspectives. Such projects can often be the catalyst for collaborations that leverage the expertise and capabilities of different teams and institutions as they grow. For … Read more

New thermometry method reveals cooling effect in compressed quantum gases

An international collaboration between researchers from Innsbruck and Geneva has unveiled a groundbreaking thermometry method tailored for measuring temperatures in low-dimensional quantum gases. Surprisingly, their findings suggest that compressing a gas may lead to cooling—a counterintuitive phenomenon that challenges conventional wisdom. Published in Science Advances, this study marks a significant milestone in our understanding of … Read more

Cosmic inflation

Cosmic inflation is a theoretical framework in cosmology that describes a rapid and exponential expansion of the early universe during the first few moments (10^-36 to 10^-32 seconds) after the Big Bang. Proposed in the late 1970s by physicist Alan Guth and independently by Andrei Linde, cosmic inflation provides a solution to several long-standing problems … Read more

How was the universe created?

The question of how the universe was created has intrigued humanity for centuries, prompting scientific, philosophical, and religious inquiries into the origins of existence. Modern cosmology, informed by a wealth of observational evidence and theoretical frameworks, provides a compelling narrative of the universe’s birth, often referred to as the Big Bang. The story begins approximately … Read more

How does quantum field theory contribute to our understanding of particles?

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) stands as one of the cornerstones of modern theoretical physics, providing a powerful framework for understanding the fundamental particles and forces that make up the universe. Born out of the synthesis of quantum mechanics and special relativity, quantum field theory describes particles as excitations of underlying fields permeating space and time. … Read more

How do quantum fluctuations influence the behavior of subatomic particles?

Quantum fluctuations, a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, play a crucial role in shaping the behavior of subatomic particles. These fluctuations are inherent uncertainties in the properties of particles, arising from the principles of quantum mechanics. Understanding the influence of quantum fluctuations is essential for comprehending the dynamic and probabilistic nature of the quantum realm. … Read more