Study finds flat rotation curves of galaxies over vast distances

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at Case Western Reserve University have uncovered new evidence that could fundamentally reshape our understanding of the universe. Tobias Mistele, a post-doctoral scholar in the Department of Astronomy at Case Western Reserve’s College of Arts and Sciences, has utilized a novel approach involving “gravitational lensing” to explore the elusive realm … Read more

Entangled photons break rotation sensitivity records

A team of researchers led by Philip Walther at the University of Vienna carried out a pioneering experiment where they measured the effect of the rotation of Earth on quantum entangled photons. The work, published in Science Advances, represents a significant achievement that pushes the boundaries of rotation sensitivity in entanglement-based sensors, potentially setting the … Read more

Physicists achieve breakthrough in quantum entanglement with top quarks

A team of physicists led by University of Rochester professor Regina Demina has made a groundbreaking discovery in the realm of quantum entanglement, an enigmatic phenomenon famously referred to by Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance.” Quantum entanglement involves the interlinked behavior of tiny particles that, once having interacted, can influence each other … Read more

New studies reveal how sleep fine-tunes memories during rest

Imagine you’re a student, it’s finals week, and you’re preparing for a big exam: do you pull an all-nighter or do you get some rest? As many a groggy-eyed person who’s stared blankly at a test knows, a lack of sleep can make it extraordinarily difficult to retain information. Two new studies from University of … Read more

X-ray observations help identify potentially habitable exoplanets

Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s (European Space Agency’s) XMM-Newton, astronomers are exploring whether nearby stars could host habitable exoplanets, based on whether they emit radiation that could destroy potential conditions for life as we know it. This type of research will help guide observations with the next generation of telescopes aiming to take … Read more

Theory of Everything

The quest for a Theory of Everything (TOE) is one of the most ambitious scientific endeavors, aiming to unify all fundamental forces and particles in a single, all-encompassing theoretical framework. This grand vision seeks to bridge the gap between the two main pillars of modern physics: General Relativity, which describes the macroscopic world of gravity … Read more

Researchers discover skull of Australia’s megafauna bird

After 128 years of exploration, fossil excavation and investigation, Flinders University researchers have finally uncovered the skull of Australia’s own giant and charismatic megafauna bird—Genyornis newtoni. The only previously known skull for this species, reported in 1913, was heavily damaged and with little of the original bone remaining, not much could be deduced about the … Read more

Creation of a stable Bose-Einstein condensate from sodium-cesium molecules

There’s a hot new BEC in town that has nothing to do with bacon, egg, and cheese. You won’t find it at your local bodega, but in the coldest place in New York: the lab of Columbia physicist Sebastian Will, whose experimental group specializes in pushing atoms and molecules to temperatures just fractions of a … Read more

Biomolecular analysis of fragmented bones sheds light on North American megafaunal extinction

50,000 years ago, North America was ruled by megafauna. Lumbering mammoths roamed the tundra, while forests were home to towering mastodons, fierce saber-toothed tigers and enormous wolves. Bison and extraordinarily tall camels moved in herds across the continent, while giant beavers plied its lakes and ponds. Immense ground sloths weighing over 1,000 kg were found … Read more

First-ever measurement of promethium’s chemical bond fills gap in rare earth knowledge

Scientists have recently uncovered new properties of promethium, a rare earth element first discovered 80 years ago at Clinton Laboratories, now known as the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This breakthrough opens a new pathway for exploring elements that are critical in modern technology, including applications in medicine and space travel. Promethium, … Read more

How viruses could become the next cancer treatment

In the global quest for effective cancer treatments, researchers are uncovering promising strategies in the most unexpected of places: the very viruses we typically strive to avoid. Pathogens such as the common cold and influenza, once seen solely as threats to our health, are now being studied for their potential to target and destroy cancer … Read more

Complete genome of the little bush moa sequenced, offering insights into flightless bird evolution

A team of evolutionary biologists at Harvard University, in collaboration with researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, East Carolina University, Osaka University, and the University of Toronto, has successfully reconstructed the genome of an extinct flightless bird known as the little bush moa. This significant breakthrough, published in the journal Science Advances, … Read more

Heat treatment transforms amorphous alloy for transverse thermoelectric conversion

A research team from NIMS and Nagoya University has demonstrated that an iron-based amorphous alloy, widely used as a soft magnetic material in transformers and motors, can be transformed into a “transverse” thermoelectric conversion material that converts electric and thermal currents in orthogonal directions, with just a short period of heat treatment. The study is published online … Read more

Bioinformatics: Data Analysis in Biological Research

Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary field that combines biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics to analyze and interpret biological data. It plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of complex biological systems, from genomics and proteomics to evolutionary biology and drug discovery. By leveraging computational tools and algorithms, bioinformatics enables researchers to extract meaningful insights … Read more

History of Life on Earth

The history of life on Earth spans billions of years, from the formation of our planet to the evolution of diverse life forms. This epic tale of biological evolution is intertwined with geological events, environmental changes, extinction events, and the emergence of complex organisms. The story of life on Earth is a testament to the … Read more

Study identifies population of young stellar objects within NGC 346 open cluster

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a cutting-edge instrument in space exploration, has recently shed light on the mysteries of young stellar objects (YSOs) within the NGC 346 open cluster. Published on April 24 and available on the arXiv preprint server, the study conducted by an international team of astronomers presents invaluable insights into the … Read more

Physicists achieve ultra-precise atomic positioning for quantum simulators

In the realm of quantum mechanics, proximity reigns supreme. The closer atoms are, the stronger their interactions become. This characteristic is crucial for various quantum phenomena, making it essential for scientists to arrange atoms in close proximity when designing quantum simulators. These simulators allow researchers to explore exotic states of matter and design novel quantum … Read more

Japanese botanists reclassify sukashiyuri lilies, identify first new species in over a century

Dr. Seita Watanabe, an assistant professor at Osaka Metropolitan University’s Botanical Gardens and Graduate School of Science, has spearheaded a research team that recently uncovered a previously unknown species of Japanese lily called sukashiyuri. This groundbreaking discovery represents the first identification of a new sukashiyuri species since 1914, marking a significant milestone in botanical research. … Read more

Neurobiology: Exploring the Nervous System

Neurobiology is a fascinating field of study that delves into the intricacies of the nervous system, which serves as the body’s communication and control center. The nervous system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinate sensory perception, motor function, cognition, and behavior. In this exploration of neurobiology, we will delve into … Read more