Creation of a stable Bose-Einstein condensate from sodium-cesium molecules

There’s a hot new BEC in town that has nothing to do with bacon, egg, and cheese. You won’t find it at your local bodega, but in the coldest place in New York: the lab of Columbia physicist Sebastian Will, whose experimental group specializes in pushing atoms and molecules to temperatures just fractions of a … Read more


Chemistry, often referred to as the central science, is a branch of natural science that explores the properties, composition, structure, reactions, and changes of matter. It is a discipline that delves into the microscopic realm of atoms and molecules, seeking to understand the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of substances and their transformations. Chemistry … Read more

MIT develops AI model to rapidly predict structures of elusive transition states

In the intricate dance of chemical reactions, molecules undergo a subtle transformation until they reach a critical juncture known as the transition stateā€”a fleeting moment that marks a point of no return for the reaction. Ironically, this elusive state is challenging to observe experimentally due to its ephemeral nature. Traditionally, the structures of these transition … Read more

Scientists create first mixture of quantum gases in space

For the first time in space, scientists have produced a mixture of two quantum gases made of two types of atoms. Accomplished with NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory aboard the International Space Station, the achievement marks another step toward bringing quantum technologies currently available only on Earth into space. Physicists at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), part … Read more

AI chemist automates synthesis of mars oxygen catalysts

In the realm of scientific exploration, the dream of human colonization on Mars has long been hindered by the challenge of obtaining essential elements like oxygen for sustained survival. However, recent strides in Martian research, specifically the discovery of water activity on the planet, have sparked new possibilities. A group of scientists, led by Prof. … Read more

New method overcomes barren plateau problem in quantum computing

A groundbreaking development has emerged from the research front led by Yumin Dong at Chongqing Normal University, unveiling an innovative technique for optimizing parametric quantum circuits, a fundamental element within variational quantum algorithms. This cutting-edge method ingeniously combines the prowess of gradient-free natural evolutionary strategy with gradient descent, effectively conquering the notorious “barren plateau” conundrum. … Read more

Direct measurement of charge migration speed in molecules

Exploring how light interacts with molecules involves delving into electron dynamics, a process occurring at incredibly swift attosecond timescales. Charge migration (CM), the initial step in this process, has significant implications for chemical reactions and biological functions driven by light-matter interaction. However, visualizing CM in sync with electron timescales has been a longstanding challenge due … Read more

First evidence of quantum superchemistry observed in the laboratory

A breakthrough has emerged from the University of Chicago, revealing the inaugural evidence of “quantum superchemistry.” This phenomenon entails particles sharing a quantum state engaging in collective accelerated reactions, a predicted yet previously unobserved occurrence. Published in Nature Physics on July 24, these findings inaugurate a new scientific realm. The fascination centers around “quantum-enhanced” chemical … Read more