Magnetic quivers provide geometric description of quantum vacua in supersymmetric QFTs

A simple concept of decay and fission of “magnetic quivers” helps to clarify complex quantum physics and mathematical structures. An international research team led by Marcus Sperling, a project leader at the Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, has sparked interest in the scientific community with pioneering results in quantum physics. In their current study, … Read more

Creation of a stable Bose-Einstein condensate from sodium-cesium molecules

There’s a hot new BEC in town that has nothing to do with bacon, egg, and cheese. You won’t find it at your local bodega, but in the coldest place in New York: the lab of Columbia physicist Sebastian Will, whose experimental group specializes in pushing atoms and molecules to temperatures just fractions of a … Read more

Discovery of PrMgAl11O19 single crystals advances spin liquid research

A spin liquid is a fascinating state of matter that occurs in certain magnetic materials at very low temperatures. Unlike conventional magnetic states where electron spins align in a regular pattern, spin liquids exhibit a disordered state due to the peculiarities of quantum mechanics. This state of matter does not resemble everyday liquids but is … Read more

Physicists achieve ultra-precise atomic positioning for quantum simulators

In the realm of quantum mechanics, proximity reigns supreme. The closer atoms are, the stronger their interactions become. This characteristic is crucial for various quantum phenomena, making it essential for scientists to arrange atoms in close proximity when designing quantum simulators. These simulators allow researchers to explore exotic states of matter and design novel quantum … Read more

Physicists unify description of non-perturbative quantum phenomena with “resurgence” framework

In the quantum world, processes can be separated into two distinct classes. One class, that of the so-called “perturbative” phenomena, is relatively easy to detect, both in an experiment and in a mathematical computation. Examples are plentiful: the light that atoms emit, the energy that solar cells produce, the states of qubits in a quantum … Read more

Efficient generation and control of entanglement in superconducting qubit arrays demonstrated

Entanglement is a fascinating phenomenon in the realm of quantum physics, where particles at the atomic level exhibit correlations that defy classical explanations. This unique aspect of quantum mechanics plays a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of quantum systems, particularly in the context of quantum computing. Quantum entanglement refers to the intricate correlation between … Read more

First direct evidence of wigner electron crystal

Electrons—the infinitesimally small particles that are known to zip around atoms—continue to amaze scientists despite the more than a century that scientists have studied them. Now, physicists at Princeton University have pushed the boundaries of our understanding of these minute particles by visualizing, for the first time, direct evidence for what is known as the … Read more

Physicists discover novel “hybrid topology” in elemental arsenic crystal

Physicists have observed a novel quantum effect termed “hybrid topology” in a crystalline material. This finding opens up a new range of possibilities for the development of efficient materials and technologies for next-generation quantum science and engineering. The finding, published in Nature, came when Princeton scientists discovered that an elemental solid crystal made of arsenic … Read more

Photonic gratings extend lifetime of quantum fluids for enhanced optical simulations

Condensed matter systems and photonic technologies are regularly used by researchers to create microscale platforms that can simulate the complex dynamics of many interacting quantum particles in a more accessible setting. Some examples include ultracold atomic ensembles in optical lattices, superconducting arrays, and photonic crystals and waveguides. In 2006 a new platform emerged with the … Read more

Researchers unveil new behavior in surface plasmons

In a recent publication in Nature Physics, the LSU Quantum Photonics Group has unveiled groundbreaking insights into the fundamental characteristics of surface plasmons, challenging established paradigms and pushing the boundaries of quantum plasmonics research. Led by Associate Professor Omar Magaña-Loaiza, the experimental and theoretical investigations conducted within the group represent a significant leap forward in … Read more

Scientists amplify quantum interactions in micron-sized particles, advancing quantum physics research

The question of where the boundary between classical and quantum physics lies is one of the longest-standing pursuits of modern scientific research, and in new research published today, scientists demonstrate a novel platform that could help us find an answer. The laws of quantum physics govern the behavior of particles at miniscule scales, leading to … Read more

First measurement of microscopic gravity could pave way for quantum gravity theory

Scientists are on the brink of unraveling the enigmatic forces governing the universe, as they have made significant strides in measuring gravity at a microscopic level. Understanding gravity at the quantum scale has long eluded scientists, including luminaries like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Einstein’s theory of general relativity couldn’t fully incorporate the quantum nature … Read more