Entangled photons break rotation sensitivity records

A team of researchers led by Philip Walther at the University of Vienna carried out a pioneering experiment where they measured the effect of the rotation of Earth on quantum entangled photons. The work, published in Science Advances, represents a significant achievement that pushes the boundaries of rotation sensitivity in entanglement-based sensors, potentially setting the … Read more

Physicists achieve breakthrough in quantum entanglement with top quarks

A team of physicists led by University of Rochester professor Regina Demina has made a groundbreaking discovery in the realm of quantum entanglement, an enigmatic phenomenon famously referred to by Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance.” Quantum entanglement involves the interlinked behavior of tiny particles that, once having interacted, can influence each other … Read more

Quantum system-on-chip architecture for large-scale quantum computing

Quantum computers hold the promise of solving extremely complex problems rapidly—tasks that could take the world’s most powerful supercomputers decades to crack. However, achieving such performance requires building a system with millions of interconnected qubits. The creation and control of such vast numbers of qubits in a hardware architecture is a formidable challenge that scientists … Read more

Scientists achieve chip-scale entangled photon source in silicon carbide

Quantum information science is truly fascinating—pairs of tiny particles can be entangled such that an operation on either one will affect them both even if they are physically separated. A seemingly magical process called teleportation can share information between different far-flung quantum systems. These different systems can be coupled using quantum processes to form quantum … Read more

New study demonstrates momentum-exchange interaction to overcome atomic recoil

Precisely measuring the energy states of individual atoms has been a historical challenge for physicists due to atomic recoil. When an atom interacts with a photon, the atom “recoils” in the opposite direction, making it difficult to measure the position and momentum of the atom precisely. This recoil can have big implications for quantum sensing, … Read more

High-intensity spatial-mode steerable frequency up-converters for on-chip integrated photonics

The field of integrated photonics is experiencing a revolution with the development of high-intensity spatial-mode steerable frequency up-converters, as discussed in a recent study published in Opto-Electronic Science. These devices play a pivotal role in on-chip integration, enabling control over photon spatial modes, frequencies, angular momenta, and phases—all essential for advanced quantum entangled states, photon … Read more

Study proposes entanglement-free experiment to test quantum nature of gravity

Gravity is a force that permeates our everyday lives, yet its true nature remains shrouded in mystery. Scientists grapple with the question of whether gravity’s essence aligns with Einstein’s geometric vision or adheres to the principles of quantum mechanics. This dilemma forms the backdrop of a new study published in Physical Review X, where researchers … Read more

Researchers discover new entropy rule for quantum entanglement transformations

Bartosz Regula, from the RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing, and Ludovico Lami, from the University of Amsterdam, have unveiled a groundbreaking discovery regarding the elusive nature of quantum entanglement. Their findings, rooted in probabilistic calculations, shed light on a long-hypothesized rule of entropy governing quantum entanglement, a phenomenon central to the potential power of future … Read more

Scientists achieve frequency-domain photon number-path entanglement

Scientists have introduced a form of quantum entanglement known as frequency-domain photon number-path entanglement. This advance in quantum physics involves an innovative tool called a frequency beam splitter, which has the unique ability to alter the frequency of individual photons with a 50% success rate. For years, the scientific community has delved into spatial-domain photon … Read more

Efficient generation and control of entanglement in superconducting qubit arrays demonstrated

Entanglement is a fascinating phenomenon in the realm of quantum physics, where particles at the atomic level exhibit correlations that defy classical explanations. This unique aspect of quantum mechanics plays a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of quantum systems, particularly in the context of quantum computing. Quantum entanglement refers to the intricate correlation between … Read more

Quantum Mechanics: Mysteries of the Subatomic World

Quantum mechanics is one of the most profound and revolutionary theories in modern physics, unraveling the mysteries of the subatomic world and fundamentally transforming our understanding of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces of nature. Developed in the early 20th century through the works of pioneering physicists such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, … Read more

Quantum Entanglement: A Journey into Non-locality

Quantum entanglement is a fascinating and perplexing phenomenon in the realm of quantum mechanics, challenging our classical intuitions about the nature of reality. It is a concept that has captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike, leading to deep philosophical discussions and groundbreaking technological advancements. This journey into non-locality takes us into the … Read more

Pair distribution function technique unravels hidden electronic state in 1T-TaS2

Research often unfolds as a multistage process. The solution to one question can spark several more, inspiring scientists to reach further and look at the larger problem from several different perspectives. Such projects can often be the catalyst for collaborations that leverage the expertise and capabilities of different teams and institutions as they grow. For … Read more

Scientists amplify quantum interactions in micron-sized particles, advancing quantum physics research

The question of where the boundary between classical and quantum physics lies is one of the longest-standing pursuits of modern scientific research, and in new research published today, scientists demonstrate a novel platform that could help us find an answer. The laws of quantum physics govern the behavior of particles at miniscule scales, leading to … Read more

Scientists crack code for future optical circuits

Scientists at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, have found a powerful new way to program optical circuits that are critical to the delivery of future technologies such as unhackable communications networks and ultrafast quantum computers. “Light can carry a lot of information, and optical circuits that compute with light—instead of electricity—are seen as the next … Read more

Physicists achieve quantum entanglement with individual molecules

For the first time, Princeton physicists have achieved a groundbreaking feat by entangling individual molecules, allowing them to remain correlated and interact even when separated by vast distances. Recently published in Science, this research marks a significant breakthrough in the world of molecules, primarily due to the fundamental importance of quantum entanglement, according to Lawrence … Read more

How do quantum fluctuations influence the behavior of subatomic particles?

Quantum fluctuations, a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, play a crucial role in shaping the behavior of subatomic particles. These fluctuations are inherent uncertainties in the properties of particles, arising from the principles of quantum mechanics. Understanding the influence of quantum fluctuations is essential for comprehending the dynamic and probabilistic nature of the quantum realm. … Read more

What are the implications of non-locality in quantum entanglement?

The implications of non-locality in quantum entanglement are far-reaching and have profound consequences for our understanding of the nature of reality. Non-locality refers to the instantaneous correlation between entangled particles, regardless of the distance separating them. This phenomenon challenges classical intuitions and has implications for our understanding of information transfer, causality, and the fundamental structure … Read more

How are quantum states different from classical states?

Quantum states and classical states represent distinct descriptions of physical systems, each governed by its own set of principles. Understanding the differences between these two frameworks is fundamental to grasping the peculiar nature of quantum mechanics. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the key differentiators that set quantum states apart from classical states, touching upon … Read more

What role does observation play in quantum theory?

Observation plays a central and intriguing role in quantum theory, influencing the behavior of quantum systems in ways that challenge classical intuitions. The concept of observation in quantum mechanics is deeply entwined with the fundamental principles of superposition, wave-particle duality, and the famous observer effect. Delving into the nuances of quantum observation requires an exploration … Read more