Astronomers unveil complex globular cluster system in giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4696

Using the advanced capabilities of the Magellan Telescopes in Chile, astronomers have conducted detailed photometric observations of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4696. These observations have uncovered a complex globular cluster system within the galaxy, as detailed in a paper published on June 12 on the pre-print server arXiv. NGC 4696, positioned approximately 145 million … Read more

Refractory metals in meteorites suggest non-uniform structure of early solar system disk

Four and a half billion years ago, the nascent solar system was a chaotic cloud of gas and dust. This primordial mix, swirling around the newly formed sun, began to condense and coalesce into solid bodies, giving rise to asteroids and planets. This initial stage of planetary formation occurred within a structure known as a … Read more

Study finds flat rotation curves of galaxies over vast distances

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at Case Western Reserve University have uncovered new evidence that could fundamentally reshape our understanding of the universe. Tobias Mistele, a post-doctoral scholar in the Department of Astronomy at Case Western Reserve’s College of Arts and Sciences, has utilized a novel approach involving “gravitational lensing” to explore the elusive realm … Read more

Cosmology: Studying the Origin and Evolution of the Universe

Cosmology is the scientific study of the large-scale properties of the universe as a whole. It aims to understand the origin, evolution, structure, and eventual fate of the universe. By examining cosmic phenomena such as the Big Bang, cosmic microwave background radiation, dark matter, and dark energy, cosmologists develop theories and models that explain how … Read more

VLT uncovers ancient star formation bursts in centaurus A’s Halo

Astronomers have utilized the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile to observe the halo of the nearby giant elliptical galaxy, Centaurus A. Their findings, published on June 1 on the arXiv pre-print server, offer significant insights into the star formation history within this galaxy’s halo. Centaurus A, also cataloged as NGC 5128 or Caldwell 77, … Read more

High-resolution ALMA observations reveal intricate details of giant molecular clouds in NGC 613

Utilizing the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), a collaborative team of astronomers has conducted a detailed examination of NGC 613, a nearby barred spiral galaxy. The findings, published on May 30 on the arXiv preprint server, provide significant insights into the giant molecular clouds (GMCs) populating the galaxy’s center. Molecular clouds are expansive regions of … Read more

Galaxy cluster merger observations suggest collisional nature of dark matter

Contrary to the prevailing assumptions of the standard model, recent research suggests that dark matter may indeed be self-interacting. This groundbreaking study, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics and led by Riccardo Valdarnini of SISSA’s Astrophysics and Cosmology group, used numerical simulations to explore the dynamics within “El Gordo” (Spanish for “The Fat One”), a colossal … Read more

Astronomers discover the earliest and most distant galaxies with James Webb Space Telescope

An international team of astronomers has made a groundbreaking discovery with the identification of the two earliest and most distant galaxies ever observed, dating back to just 300 million years after the Big Bang. This significant milestone in the study of the early universe was achieved using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The discoveries … Read more

Discovery of sloshing cold fronts in galaxy cluster abell 2566

Astronomers from India and South Africa have made significant strides in understanding the massive galaxy cluster known as Abell 2566 through data analysis from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. Their research, reported in a paper published on May 17 on the preprint server arXiv, reveals the presence of sloshing cold fronts within the intracluster medium (ICM) … Read more

Researchers use webb telescope to observe formation of earliest galaxies

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, University of Copenhagen researchers have become the first to see the formation of three of the earliest galaxies in the universe, more than 13 billion years ago. The sensational discovery contributes important knowledge about the universe and is now published in Science. For the first time in the history of astronomy, researchers … Read more

New study identifies potentially temperate exoplanet gliese 12 b, 40 light-years from earth

Astronomers have made the rare and tantalizing discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet 40 light-years away that may be just a little warmer than our own world. The new paper “Gliese 12 b, A Temperate Earth-sized Planet at 12 Parsecs Discovered with TESS and CHEOPS,” has been published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. … Read more

New calibration technique enables clear radio maps of the universe at low frequencies

An international team of researchers led by astronomers from Leiden University (Netherlands) has produced the first sharp radio maps of the universe at low frequencies. Thanks to a new calibration technique, they bypassed the disturbances of the Earth’s ionosphere. They have used the new method to study plasmas from ancient black hole bursts. Potentially, the … Read more

Study suggests early supermassive black holes grew faster than their host galaxies

MIT astronomers have observed the elusive starlight surrounding some of the earliest quasars in the universe. The distant signals, which trace back more than 13 billion years to the universe’s infancy, are revealing clues to how the very first black holes and galaxies evolved. Quasars are the blazing centers of active galaxies, which host an … Read more

Computer simulations suggest link between stellar kicks and white dwarf feeding habits

Dead stars known as white dwarfs, have a mass like the sun while being similar in size to Earth. They are common in our galaxy, as 97% of stars are white dwarfs. As stars reach the end of their lives, their cores collapse into the dense ball of a white dwarf, making our galaxy seem … Read more

Astronomer leads Euclid’s mission to unravel the universe’s expansion

On July 1, 2023, Euclid, a unique European space telescope was launched from Cape Canaveral. The launch was undoubtedly the highlight of my career as an astronomer, but witnessing the result of years of work being put on a rocket is not for the faint of heart. Following a perfect launch, Euclid swiftly arrived to … Read more

Researchers uncover potential discrepancy in gravity at cosmic scales

A group of researchers at the University of Waterloo and the University of British Columbia have uncovered a potential “cosmic glitch” in the fabric of the universe’s gravitational framework, shedding light on the peculiar behavior of gravity on a cosmic scale. Their findings, published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, challenge the long-standing … Read more

Scientists achieve targeted laser excitation of thorium nuclei, paving way for advanced clocks and fundamental physics studies

Physicists have been hoping for this moment for a long time: For many years, scientists all around the world have been searching for a very specific state of thorium atomic nuclei that promises revolutionary technological applications. It could be used, for example, to build a nuclear clock that could measure time more precisely than the … Read more

The Search for Gravitational Lenses

The search for gravitational lenses is a fascinating endeavor in astronomy and cosmology that has revolutionized our understanding of the universe’s structure, composition, and evolution. Gravitational lenses are cosmic phenomena predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity, where the gravitational field of massive objects, such as galaxies or galaxy clusters, bends and distorts the paths … Read more

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of astronomy by enabling new approaches to data analysis, pattern recognition, and knowledge discovery. From processing vast amounts of observational data to enhancing simulations, AI techniques are enhancing our understanding of the universe and accelerating scientific discoveries. The role of AI in astronomy encompasses a wide range of … Read more

The Interstellar Medium: Cosmic Gas and Dust

The interstellar medium (ISM) is the vast expanse of gas and dust that fills the space between stars in galaxies. Comprising a complex mixture of elements, molecules, and particles, the ISM plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of stars, planets, and galaxies. Understanding the properties and dynamics of the interstellar medium is … Read more