High-resolution ALMA observations reveal intricate details of giant molecular clouds in NGC 613

Utilizing the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), a collaborative team of astronomers has conducted a detailed examination of NGC 613, a nearby barred spiral galaxy. The findings, published on May 30 on the arXiv preprint server, provide significant insights into the giant molecular clouds (GMCs) populating the galaxy’s center. Molecular clouds are expansive regions of … Read more

Supernovae: Cosmic Explosions

Supernovae are some of the most powerful and cataclysmic events in the universe, representing the explosive deaths of massive stars and the birth of new cosmic phenomena. These cosmic explosions release vast amounts of energy and material into space, shaping the evolution of galaxies, enriching the interstellar medium with heavy elements, and producing some of … Read more

The Wonders of Exoplanets

Exoplanets, or extrasolar planets, are celestial bodies that orbit stars outside our solar system. These distant worlds have captivated the imagination of scientists and the public alike, offering tantalizing glimpses into the diversity of planetary systems beyond our own. The study of exoplanets has revealed a wealth of wonders, from rocky worlds resembling Earth to … Read more

Dark matter’s influence on galaxy evolution confirmed by observations for the first time

Dark matter constitutes approximately 85% of the total matter in the universe, yet its elusive nature challenges direct observation, unlike ordinary matter which interacts with light. Instead, dark matter’s presence is inferred through gravitational effects on visible matter, including stars and planets. Galaxies comprise both dark matter, forming halos around them, and ordinary matter, concentrated … Read more