Scientists generate relativistic plasmas on Earth

An international team of scientists has developed a novel way to experimentally produce plasma ‘fireballs’ on Earth. Black holes and neutron stars are among the densest known objects in the universe. Within and around these extreme astrophysical environments exist plasmas, the fourth fundamental state of matter alongside solids, liquids, and gases. Specifically, the plasmas at … Read more

Scientists discover slowest-spinning neutron star yet

Australian scientists from the University of Sydney and Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, have detected what is likely a neutron star spinning slower than any other ever measured. No other radio-emitting neutron star, out of the more than 3,000 discovered so far, has been discovered rotating so slowly. The results are published in Nature Astronomy. Lead author Dr. … Read more

Discovery of PrMgAl11O19 single crystals advances spin liquid research

A spin liquid is a fascinating state of matter that occurs in certain magnetic materials at very low temperatures. Unlike conventional magnetic states where electron spins align in a regular pattern, spin liquids exhibit a disordered state due to the peculiarities of quantum mechanics. This state of matter does not resemble everyday liquids but is … Read more

Researchers discover unconventional catalyst enhancement via anion implantation

A team of scientists led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found an unconventional way to improve catalysts made of more than one material. The solution demonstrates a path to designing catalysts with greater activity, selectivity and stability. A catalyst normally uses a support to stabilize nanometer-sized metal particles that speed … Read more

The Search for Gravitational Lenses

The search for gravitational lenses is a fascinating endeavor in astronomy and cosmology that has revolutionized our understanding of the universe’s structure, composition, and evolution. Gravitational lenses are cosmic phenomena predicted by Einstein’s general theory of relativity, where the gravitational field of massive objects, such as galaxies or galaxy clusters, bends and distorts the paths … Read more

The Surprising Diversity of Planetary Systems

The exploration of planetary systems beyond our solar system has revealed a surprising diversity of worlds, challenging our preconceptions and expanding our understanding of cosmic evolution. From hot Jupiter systems with close-in gas giants to compact multi-planet systems and distant exoplanetary families, the variety of planetary configurations defies simple categorization and underscores the complexity of … Read more

Scientists tailor electron vortex beams with customizable shapes

A new research study from Opto-Electronic Advances discusses tailoring electron vortex beams with customizable intensity patterns by electron diffraction holography. In recent years, the scientific community has witnessed a notable breakthrough in the study and development of electron vortices. Electron vortices are electron beams that carry orbital angular momentum, meaning the electrons move not only in their propagation direction … Read more

Combining neutron scattering and voltage measurements links magnetic properties to spin current temperature dependence

Spintronics is a field garnering immense attention for its range of potential advantages for conventional electronics. These include reducing power consumption, high-speed operation, non-volatility, and the potential for new functionalities. Spintronics exploits the intrinsic spin of electrons, and fundamental to the field is controlling the flows of the spin degree of freedom, i.e., spin currents. … Read more

Zap energy’s sheared-flow Z-pinch achieves 1-3 keV electron temperatures in FuZE plasma

In the nine decades since humans first produced fusion reactions, only a few fusion technologies have demonstrated the ability to make a thermal fusion plasma with electron temperatures hotter than 10 million degrees Celsius, roughly the temperature of the core of the sun. Zap Energy’s unique approach, known as a sheared-flow-stabilized Z pinch, has now … Read more

The Origin and Evolution of the Universe

The origin and evolution of the universe have fascinated humanity for millennia. Modern scientific theories, such as the Big Bang theory, provide a framework for understanding these cosmic processes. The universe began as an unimaginably dense and hot singularity around 13.8 billion years ago, expanding rapidly and cooling over time. Through cosmic inflation, galaxies, stars, … Read more

Cosmic Rays: High-Energy Particles from Space

Cosmic rays are high-energy particles originating from outer space that continuously bombard the Earth and other celestial bodies. These particles, which include protons, electrons, and atomic nuclei, carry immense amounts of energy and play a significant role in shaping the universe and influencing various processes on Earth. The study of cosmic rays encompasses a wide … Read more

Pulsars: Cosmic Lighthouses

Pulsars are cosmic lighthouses, beacons of intense radiation and magnetic fields that emit beams of light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation as they rotate rapidly. These exotic objects, often referred to as neutron stars, are the remnants of massive stars that have undergone supernova explosions. Pulsars were first discovered in 1967 by astrophysicist Jocelyn … Read more

Gravitational Waves: Ripples in Spacetime

Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime caused by the acceleration of massive objects, such as merging black holes or neutron stars. Predicted by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity in 1915, these waves were detected for the first time in 2015, marking a revolutionary breakthrough in astrophysics and opening a new window … Read more

Supernovae: Cosmic Explosions

Supernovae are some of the most powerful and cataclysmic events in the universe, representing the explosive deaths of massive stars and the birth of new cosmic phenomena. These cosmic explosions release vast amounts of energy and material into space, shaping the evolution of galaxies, enriching the interstellar medium with heavy elements, and producing some of … Read more

The Wonders of Exoplanets

Exoplanets, or extrasolar planets, are celestial bodies that orbit stars outside our solar system. These distant worlds have captivated the imagination of scientists and the public alike, offering tantalizing glimpses into the diversity of planetary systems beyond our own. The study of exoplanets has revealed a wealth of wonders, from rocky worlds resembling Earth to … Read more

The Birth and Death of Stars

Stars are born and die in a continuous cycle, playing a fundamental role in the structure, dynamics, and evolution of the universe. The processes of star formation and stellar death are intricate and fascinating, involving a complex interplay of physical phenomena that span millions to billions of years. Understanding the birth and death of stars … Read more

High-precision study of mirror nuclei beta decay supports standard model predictions

The Standard Model of Particle Physics is scientists’ best understanding of the forces that describe how subatomic particles interact. The Standard Model encompasses four forces: the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. All four forces govern the way our universe works. However, the weak nuclear force is … Read more

Physicists achieve 50x more precise measurement of crucial value for neutrino mass

What is the mass of a neutrino at rest? This is one of the big unanswered questions in physics. Neutrinos play a central role in nature. A team led by Klaus Blaum, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, has now made an important contribution in “weighing” neutrinos as part of … Read more

Quantum Mechanics: Mysteries of the Subatomic World

Quantum mechanics is one of the most profound and revolutionary theories in modern physics, unraveling the mysteries of the subatomic world and fundamentally transforming our understanding of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces of nature. Developed in the early 20th century through the works of pioneering physicists such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, … Read more

Astronomers unraveled the origins of blue supergiants

In a groundbreaking collaboration spearheaded by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), astronomers have unraveled the enigmatic origins of blue supergiants, some of the most dazzling and scorching stars in the cosmos. These celestial behemoths have long puzzled scientists, but a recent study, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, offers compelling insights into their … Read more