Direct observation of polar bloch points in ferroelectric films

A Bloch point is a singular point in a magnetic or electric field where the vectors are oriented in nearly all directions. This unique feature serves as a critical link between classical and quantum magnetism. In magnetics, Bloch points have remained elusive and have not been directly observed. Similarly, in the realm of ferroelectrics, the … Read more

Researchers discover unconventional catalyst enhancement via anion implantation

A team of scientists led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found an unconventional way to improve catalysts made of more than one material. The solution demonstrates a path to designing catalysts with greater activity, selectivity and stability. A catalyst normally uses a support to stabilize nanometer-sized metal particles that speed … Read more

Ryugu asteroid samples offer new insights into space weathering and early solar system

Analyzing samples retrieved from the asteroid Ryugu by the Japanese Space Agency’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft has revealed new insights into the magnetic and physical bombardment environment of interplanetary space. The results of the study, carried out by Professor Yuki Kimura at Hokkaido University and co-workers at 13 other institutions in Japan, are published in the journal … Read more

Scientists achieve current-driven antiskyrmion motion at room temperature

Prof. Zhang Ying’s group from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in collaboration with domestic universities and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States, has experimentally observed current-driven antiskyrmion sliding. Their work was published in Nature Materials on April 11. Magnetic (anti)skyrmions with topologically protected spin structures are promising as next-generation information … Read more

New imaging method reveals the secret Behind ultra-strong alloys for turbines, reactors, and space exploration

A new class of metallic materials with potential applications in airplane turbines, nuclear reactors and equipment for space exploration can withstand extreme temperatures and resist fractures, but scientists haven’t understood why until now. According to a new study co-led by Penn State researchers, the answer could relate to the material’s short-range order, or the local … Read more