Scientists create optical Kármán vortex street

In a study published in Nature Communications, collaborating physicists from Singapore and the UK have reported an optical analog of the Kármán vortex street (KVS). This optical KVS pulse reveals fascinating parallels between fluid transport and energy flow of structured light. Yijie Shen, study lead author from Nanyang Technological University, says, “We introduce a type of light pulse … Read more

New method for quieting the quantum world

One of the biggest challenges in quantum technology and quantum sensing is “noise”–seemingly random environmental disturbances that can disrupt the delicate quantum states of qubits, the fundamental units of quantum information. Looking deeper at this issue, JILA Associate Fellow and University of Colorado Boulder Physics Assistant Professor Shuo Sun collaborated with Andrés Montoya-Castillo, Assistant Professor … Read more

Scientists unravel the electronic structure of promethium

When element 61, also known as promethium, was first isolated by scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1945, it completed the series of chemical elements known as lanthanides. However, aspects of the element’s exact chemical nature have remained a mystery until last year, when a team of scientists from ORNL … Read more

FRIB facility measures mass of aluminum-22, potential proton halo candidate

In May 2022, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University (MSU), launched its precision measurement program. Staff from FRIB’s Low Energy Beam and Ion Trap (LEBIT) facility take high-energy, rare-isotope beams generated at FRIB and cool them to a lower energy state. Afterward, the researchers measure specific particles’ masses at high … Read more

Groundbreaking terahertz source pushes limits to ionize matter

Terahertz waves, typically known as non-ionizing radiation, have now been pushed to new limits where they can behave as ionizing radiation under specific conditions. A groundbreaking advancement by a collaborative team of scientists from Korea and the U.S. has led to the creation of the most intense terahertz pulses ever recorded. These pulses are powerful … Read more

First-ever measurement of promethium’s chemical bond fills gap in rare earth knowledge

Scientists have recently uncovered new properties of promethium, a rare earth element first discovered 80 years ago at Clinton Laboratories, now known as the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This breakthrough opens a new pathway for exploring elements that are critical in modern technology, including applications in medicine and space travel. Promethium, … Read more

Review examines non-classical crystallization pathways in soft and organic materials

Soft and organic crystals are a diverse group of materials with connections to biological, environmental, and industrial processes with a wide range of applications, from pharmaceuticals to flexible electronics. Understanding the details of their crystallization pathways is essential to developing the ability to controllably synthesize new materials and structures with targeted properties. A new review … Read more

New study identifies potentially temperate exoplanet gliese 12 b, 40 light-years from earth

Astronomers have made the rare and tantalizing discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet 40 light-years away that may be just a little warmer than our own world. The new paper “Gliese 12 b, A Temperate Earth-sized Planet at 12 Parsecs Discovered with TESS and CHEOPS,” has been published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. … Read more

Engineers develop world-record microwave squeezer for dark matter detection

UNSW quantum engineers have developed a new amplifier that could help other scientists search for elusive dark matter particles. Imagine throwing a ball. You’d expect science to be able to work out its exact speed and location at any given moment, right? Well, the theory of quantum mechanics says you can’t actually know both with … Read more

Webb and Hubble data reveal tidal heating as the cause of WASP-107 b’s puffiness

Why is the warm gas-giant exoplanet WASP-107 b so puffy? Two independent teams of researchers have an answer. Data collected using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, combined with prior observations from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, show surprisingly little methane (CH4) in the planet’s atmosphere, indicating that the interior of WASP-107 b must be significantly hotter … Read more

Entangled two-photon absorption unveils unique molecular properties

Spectroscopy is the study of how matter absorbs and emits light and other radiation. It allows scientists to study the structure of atoms and molecules, including the energy levels of their electrons. Classical optical spectroscopy relies on the way particles of light called photons interact with matter. These classical spectroscopy techniques include one-photon absorption (OPA) … Read more

Researchers discover unconventional catalyst enhancement via anion implantation

A team of scientists led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found an unconventional way to improve catalysts made of more than one material. The solution demonstrates a path to designing catalysts with greater activity, selectivity and stability. A catalyst normally uses a support to stabilize nanometer-sized metal particles that speed … Read more

Chemists uncover novel light-matter interaction in nanostructured silicon

A research team headed by chemists at the University of California, Irvine has discovered a previously unknown way in which light interacts with matter, a finding that could lead to improved solar power systems, light-emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers and other technological advancements. In a paper published recently in the journal ACS Nano, the scientists, joined … Read more

Attosecond spectroscopy captures furan ring-opening dynamics in real time

Chemical reactions are complex mechanisms. Many different dynamic processes are involved, affecting both the electrons and the nucleus of the present atoms. Very often, the strongly coupled electron and nuclear dynamics induce radiation-less relaxation processes known as conical intersections. Such dynamics, which are at the basis of many biological and chemical relevant functions, are extremely … Read more

Genomics: Mapping Genomes and Genetic Variation

Genomics is a field of biology that focuses on the study of genomes, which are the complete sets of genetic material (DNA) present in an organism. Genomics encompasses a wide range of disciplines, techniques, and methodologies aimed at mapping genomes, analyzing genetic variation, understanding gene function, and elucidating the genetic basis of traits, diseases, and … Read more

Molecular Biology: Understanding Biological Processes at the Molecular Level

Molecular biology is a branch of biology that explores the structure, function, and interactions of biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, at the molecular level. It encompasses a wide range of techniques, methodologies, and disciplines aimed at understanding biological processes, genetic information flow, gene expression, cellular functions, and molecular mechanisms underlying life. … Read more

New study demonstrates momentum-exchange interaction to overcome atomic recoil

Precisely measuring the energy states of individual atoms has been a historical challenge for physicists due to atomic recoil. When an atom interacts with a photon, the atom “recoils” in the opposite direction, making it difficult to measure the position and momentum of the atom precisely. This recoil can have big implications for quantum sensing, … Read more

Virology: Study of Viruses and Viral Diseases

Virology is the scientific study of viruses, their structure, function, evolution, and interactions with host organisms. Viruses are microscopic infectious agents that can infect a wide range of living organisms, from bacteria and archaea to plants, animals, and humans. They are unique entities that straddle the boundary between living and non-living, as they require host … Read more

New spectroscopy technique distinguishes between conical intersections and avoided crossings in molecules

A collaborative research team from Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST) and East China Normal University (ECNU) has theoretically proposed that a pump-probe high-harmonic spectroscopy (HHS) driven by VUV-IR pulses can catch the geometric phase (GP) effect around the conical intersection (CI) and distinguish its quantitative behavior from the case of avoided crossing (AC). … Read more

Study discovers switchable Mott insulator behavior in atomically-thin metal-organic framework

An Australian-led study has found unusual insulating behavior in a new atomically-thin material—and the ability to switch it on and off. Materials that feature strong interactions between electrons can display unusual properties such as the ability to act as insulators even when they are expected to conduct electricity. These insulators, known as Mott insulators, occur … Read more