Gene Editing Technologies: CRISPR and Beyond

Gene editing technologies have revolutionized the field of molecular biology and genetics by providing powerful tools to precisely modify DNA sequences, study gene functions, correct genetic mutations, and engineer biological systems. Among the most widely used and transformative gene editing technologies is CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) and its associated protein, Cas (CRISPR-associated … Read more

Molecular Biology: Understanding Biological Processes at the Molecular Level

Molecular biology is a branch of biology that explores the structure, function, and interactions of biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, at the molecular level. It encompasses a wide range of techniques, methodologies, and disciplines aimed at understanding biological processes, genetic information flow, gene expression, cellular functions, and molecular mechanisms underlying life. … Read more

Cellular Respiration: Energy Production in Cells

Cellular respiration is a fundamental biological process that occurs in living cells to generate energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process involves the breakdown of organic molecules, such as glucose, through a series of biochemical reactions that release energy stored in chemical bonds. Cellular respiration is essential for the survival and functioning … Read more

Biotechnology: Applications in Medicine and Industry

Biotechnology is a rapidly evolving field that harnesses biological processes and systems to develop innovative solutions for various applications in medicine and industry. It encompasses a diverse range of techniques, including genetic engineering, fermentation, and cell culture, to manipulate biological systems for practical purposes. Biotechnology has revolutionized healthcare, agriculture, environmental science, and industrial manufacturing, offering … Read more

DNA Structure and Function: Blueprint of Life

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a molecule that serves as the blueprint of life, carrying the genetic instructions necessary for the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all living organisms. Its structure and function are essential components of molecular biology and genetics, providing insights into the fundamental processes that govern life on Earth. DNA Structure The … Read more

Biochemistry: Chemical Processes in Living Organisms

Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes and molecules within living organisms. It delves into the structure, function, and interactions of biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and metabolites, elucidating fundamental principles of life, cellular functions, biochemical pathways, and molecular mechanisms underlying biological processes. Proteins Proteins are essential biomolecules … Read more

Genetics: Inheritance and Molecular Basis of Life

Genetics, the study of heredity and the molecular basis of life, represents a cornerstone of modern biology with profound implications for understanding biological diversity, human health, evolution, and biotechnological applications. At the core of genetics lies the exploration of genetic inheritance, the transmission of traits from parents to offspring, and the molecular mechanisms governing genetic … Read more

The Cell: Fundamental Unit of Life

The cell, often described as the fundamental unit of life, represents the building block of all living organisms. This microscopic entity is the smallest structural and functional unit of life, capable of carrying out the essential processes necessary for an organism’s survival and reproduction. From single-celled organisms like bacteria to complex multicellular organisms like humans, … Read more

Addition of ALK inhibitor shows promise in enhancing CAR-T cell therapy for neuroblastoma

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy is a potent emerging weapon against cancer, altering patients’ T cells so they can better find and destroy tumor cells. But CAR-T cell therapy doesn’t work well in every cancer—including many cases of neuroblastoma, a cancer that begins in young children’s nerve tissue and can metastasize to multiple areas … Read more

New gene therapy technique uses bird retroelement for safe gene insertion

The recent approval of a CRISPR-Cas9 therapy for sickle cell disease demonstrates that gene editing tools can do a superb job of knocking out genes to cure hereditary disease. But it’s still not possible to insert whole genes into the human genome to substitute for defective or deleterious genes. A new technique that employs a … Read more

What is the significance of the double helix in DNA?

The double helix structure of DNA stands as one of the most iconic and consequential discoveries in the history of science. This intricate molecular configuration, resembling a twisted ladder or spiral staircase, was unraveled by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, with significant contributions from Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins. The discovery of the … Read more

Cellular real estate mRNA’s location in cytoplasm affects protein production

New findings published in Molecular Cell provide details about the hidden organization of the cytoplasm—the soup of liquid, organelles, proteins, and other molecules inside a cell. The research shows it makes a big difference where in that cellular broth, messenger RNA (mRNA) gets translated into proteins. “You know the old real estate saying, ‘location, location, … Read more

Primary Immunodeficiency: Cause, Symptoms, & Treatment

Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PIDs) encompass a diverse group of genetic defects that compromise the immune system’s ability to protect the body from infections. Unlike secondary immunodeficiencies, which result from external factors such as infections, medications, or underlying diseases, PIDs are intrinsic to an individual’s genetic makeup. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for primary … Read more

What is medical science?

Medical science, also known as medicine, is a multidisciplinary field of study and practice that encompasses the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and disorders affecting the human body. It integrates knowledge from various scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, genetics, and psychology, to advance our understanding of health and illness. Medical science is … Read more

Cystic Fibrosis: Cause, Symptoms & Treatment

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems. It is caused by mutations in the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene, leading to the production of thick and sticky mucus. This abnormal mucus can clog airways and ducts, causing a range of symptoms and complications. Cause of … Read more

Nuclear gene

Nuclear genes are the genes located within the cell nucleus of eukaryotic organisms, encompassing a vast array of genetic information that governs the development, function, and regulation of the organism. These genes are housed in the nuclear genome, distinct from genes found in other cellular compartments, such as mitochondria or chloroplasts. Understanding nuclear genes is … Read more

What is a gene?

A gene is a fundamental unit of heredity, a segment of DNA that contains the instructions for building and maintaining an organism. These instructions govern the development, functioning, and characteristics of living organisms, from single-celled bacteria to complex multicellular beings like humans. The study of genes and their transmission from one generation to the next … Read more

What is a cell?

A cell is the fundamental unit of life, serving as the basic building block of all living organisms. This remarkable structure is the smallest entity that exhibits the characteristics of life, encapsulating the complexity of biological systems within its microscopic confines. The understanding of cells and their functions has been a cornerstone of biology, unraveling … Read more

What is virus?

Viruses are microscopic entities that straddle the line between living and non-living. Comprising genetic material encased in a protein coat, viruses lack the cellular structure necessary for independent life. These fascinating entities are significant players in various fields, including microbiology, medicine, and biotechnology. Understanding viruses is pivotal for combating infectious diseases, advancing molecular biology, and … Read more

Enzymes revolutionize chemistry with new tools and techniques

Enzymes, serving as biocatalysts, play a pivotal role in advancing greener chemical processes, presenting promising prospects across diverse industries, spanning pharmaceuticals to environmental technology. The integration of new analytical methods, the exponential surge in data volumes, and the application of machine learning techniques have collectively propelled the evolution of biocatalysis. A collaborative effort led by … Read more