New genus of fossil goby sheds light on fish evolution

Gobies or Gobioidei are one of the most species-rich groups of marine and freshwater fish in Europe. Spending most of their lives on the bottom of shallow waterbodies, they make substantial contributions to the functioning of many ecosystems. With the identification of a new genus of a fossil freshwater goby, students of the international master … Read more

Microbial Genetics: Genetic Mechanisms in Bacteria and Archaea

Microbial genetics is a specialized field within genetics that focuses on the study of genetic mechanisms in bacteria and archaea, collectively referred to as microorganisms or microbes. These single-celled organisms play crucial roles in various ecosystems, contributing to nutrient cycling, biogeochemical processes, symbiotic relationships, and human health. Microbial genetics explores the diversity, evolution, regulation, and … Read more

Systems Biology: Integrating Biological Processes into Complex Systems

Systems biology is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand biological systems as integrated networks of components, processes, and interactions, rather than isolated parts. It combines principles from biology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, and other disciplines to analyze complex biological phenomena at multiple scales, from molecular and cellular levels to tissues, organs, organisms, populations, and … Read more

Neuroplasticity: Brain’s Ability to Change and Adapt

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is a fundamental property of the brain that refers to its ability to change and adapt throughout life in response to experiences, learning, environmental stimuli, injury, and disease. This remarkable capacity for structural and functional reorganization enables the brain to modify neural pathways, establish new connections, … Read more

Plant Genetics: Breeding and Genetic Modification

Plant genetics encompasses the study of genes, heredity, and genetic variation in plants, including their breeding, genetic modification, inheritance patterns, molecular mechanisms, and applications in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and biotechnology. Understanding plant genetics is essential for improving crop traits, developing new crop varieties, enhancing agricultural productivity, ensuring food security, and addressing global challenges such as … Read more

Epidemiology: Study of Disease Patterns and Spread

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in populations and the application of this study to control health problems. It is a cornerstone of public health, providing insights into the patterns, causes, and impacts of diseases within populations. Epidemiologists investigate the occurrence of diseases, injuries, disabilities, and deaths, … Read more

Developmental Biology: Processes from Fertilization to Organism Formation

Developmental biology is a fascinating field that explores the processes governing the growth, differentiation, and organization of cells into complex multicellular organisms. From the moment of fertilization, when a sperm cell fuses with an egg cell, to the formation of fully functional organs and tissues, developmental biology seeks to unravel the intricate molecular, cellular, and … Read more

Genetics of Cancer: Causes and Treatments

Cancer is a complex group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation. It can affect virtually any part of the body and is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The genetics of cancer play a crucial role in understanding its causes, development, progression, and potential treatments. Genetic Basis of … Read more

Endocrinology: Study of Hormones and Endocrine System

Endocrinology is the branch of biology and medicine that deals with the study of hormones and the endocrine system. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands in the endocrine system, which regulate various physiological processes and maintain homeostasis in the body. The endocrine system consists of glands and organs that secrete hormones directly into the … Read more

Study shows sunflowers recruit microbes to fight off fungal disease

Sunflowers aren’t just beautiful symbols of summer—they are also economically significant, ranking as the fourth most important oilseed crop in the world, and new research suggests that some bacteria might help protect the crop from white-mold destruction. Sunflowers can be harvested for a number of products including seeds and oil, for which consumer demand has … Read more

Plant Physiology: Adaptations and Growth Mechanisms

Plant physiology is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of how plants function, grow, develop, and respond to their environment. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including plant anatomy, biochemistry, metabolism, genetics, reproduction, and interactions with biotic and abiotic factors. Understanding plant physiology is essential for agriculture, forestry, ecology, environmental science, … Read more

Virology: Study of Viruses and Viral Diseases

Virology is the scientific study of viruses, their structure, function, evolution, and interactions with host organisms. Viruses are microscopic infectious agents that can infect a wide range of living organisms, from bacteria and archaea to plants, animals, and humans. They are unique entities that straddle the boundary between living and non-living, as they require host … Read more

Human Genetics: Inherited Traits and Genetic Disorders

Human genetics is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of inherited traits, genetic variation, and genetic disorders in humans. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from the basics of inheritance and genetic inheritance patterns to the molecular mechanisms underlying genetic diseases. Human genetics plays a crucial role in understanding the genetic … Read more

Cellular Respiration: Energy Production in Cells

Cellular respiration is a fundamental biological process that occurs in living cells to generate energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process involves the breakdown of organic molecules, such as glucose, through a series of biochemical reactions that release energy stored in chemical bonds. Cellular respiration is essential for the survival and functioning … Read more

Genetics: Inheritance and Molecular Basis of Life

Genetics, the study of heredity and the molecular basis of life, represents a cornerstone of modern biology with profound implications for understanding biological diversity, human health, evolution, and biotechnological applications. At the core of genetics lies the exploration of genetic inheritance, the transmission of traits from parents to offspring, and the molecular mechanisms governing genetic … Read more

Global analysis shows 31% increase in insect activity at night

A groundbreaking study, led by Dr. Mark Wong of The University of Western Australia, has provided the first global picture of insect activity patterns across the fundamental day–night cycle. “Through our extensive research, we’ve finally been able to provide a definitive answer to the age-old question of whether there are more insects out at night … Read more

Study uncovers why some species are generalists, others specialists

In a landmark study based on one of the most comprehensive genomic datasets ever assembled, a team led by scientists at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and Vanderbilt University offer a possible answer to one of the oldest questions about evolution: why some species are generalists and others specialists. Under the guidance of UW–Madison professor of … Read more

Competition, not just climate, shaped hominin evolution, new study suggests

Competition between species played a major role in the rise and fall of hominins—and produced a “bizarre” evolutionary pattern for the Homo lineage—according to a new University of Cambridge study that revises the start and end dates for many of our early ancestors. Conventionally, climate is held responsible for the emergence and extinction of hominin … Read more

The Saltmen of Iran

The Saltmen of Iran, also known as the Salt Men of Zanjan, are a remarkable archaeological discovery that sheds light on ancient mining practices, human preservation techniques, and the cultural history of Iran. These well-preserved human remains were unearthed in the Chehrabad salt mines, located near the city of Zanjan in northwestern Iran. The discovery … Read more

Cryo-EM structures elucidate parental histone transfer during DNA replication

A research team has recently made a significant breakthrough in understanding how the DNA copying machine helps pass on epigenetic information to maintain gene traits at each cell division. Understanding how this coupled mechanism could lead to new treatments for cancer and other epigenetic diseases by targeting specific changes in gene activity. Their findings have recently been … Read more