Telo-seq: A high-resolution method for studying telomere dynamics in aging and disease

Within each of our cells, long strands of DNA are folded into chromosomes and capped with protective structures called telomeres. Telomeres shorten as we age, eventually becoming so diminished that our chromosomes are exposed, leading to cell death. The specifics of this shortening process, and whether certain chromosomes are more affected than others, have remained … Read more

Microbial Genetics: Genetic Mechanisms in Bacteria and Archaea

Microbial genetics is a specialized field within genetics that focuses on the study of genetic mechanisms in bacteria and archaea, collectively referred to as microorganisms or microbes. These single-celled organisms play crucial roles in various ecosystems, contributing to nutrient cycling, biogeochemical processes, symbiotic relationships, and human health. Microbial genetics explores the diversity, evolution, regulation, and … Read more

Systems Biology: Integrating Biological Processes into Complex Systems

Systems biology is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand biological systems as integrated networks of components, processes, and interactions, rather than isolated parts. It combines principles from biology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, and other disciplines to analyze complex biological phenomena at multiple scales, from molecular and cellular levels to tissues, organs, organisms, populations, and … Read more

Comparative Anatomy: Comparing Anatomy Across Species

Comparative anatomy is a branch of biology that involves the study of anatomical structures and systems across different species to understand evolutionary relationships, adaptations, functional morphology, and biological diversity. By comparing the anatomy of organisms from various taxonomic groups, researchers can gain insights into evolutionary patterns, developmental processes, physiological functions, and ecological adaptations that have … Read more

Microbial Ecology: Roles of Microorganisms in Ecosystems

Microbial ecology is the branch of ecology that studies the interactions between microorganisms and their environment, including other organisms, abiotic factors, and biogeochemical processes. Microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists, and viruses, play essential roles in ecosystem dynamics, nutrient cycling, energy flow, and biogeochemical transformations. Understanding microbial ecology is crucial for elucidating the functioning of … Read more

Neurochemistry: Chemical Processes in the Nervous System

Neurochemistry is the branch of neuroscience that focuses on the chemical processes occurring within the nervous system, including the synthesis, release, reuptake, and metabolism of neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and other signaling molecules. It encompasses the study of molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal communication, synaptic transmission, neuroplasticity, and brain function. Understanding neurochemistry is essential for unraveling the molecular … Read more

Genomics: Mapping Genomes and Genetic Variation

Genomics is a field of biology that focuses on the study of genomes, which are the complete sets of genetic material (DNA) present in an organism. Genomics encompasses a wide range of disciplines, techniques, and methodologies aimed at mapping genomes, analyzing genetic variation, understanding gene function, and elucidating the genetic basis of traits, diseases, and … Read more

Bioinformatics: Data Analysis in Biological Research

Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary field that combines biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics to analyze and interpret biological data. It plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of complex biological systems, from genomics and proteomics to evolutionary biology and drug discovery. By leveraging computational tools and algorithms, bioinformatics enables researchers to extract meaningful insights … Read more

Endocrinology: Study of Hormones and Endocrine System

Endocrinology is the branch of biology and medicine that deals with the study of hormones and the endocrine system. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands in the endocrine system, which regulate various physiological processes and maintain homeostasis in the body. The endocrine system consists of glands and organs that secrete hormones directly into the … Read more

Plant Physiology: Adaptations and Growth Mechanisms

Plant physiology is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of how plants function, grow, develop, and respond to their environment. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including plant anatomy, biochemistry, metabolism, genetics, reproduction, and interactions with biotic and abiotic factors. Understanding plant physiology is essential for agriculture, forestry, ecology, environmental science, … Read more

Virology: Study of Viruses and Viral Diseases

Virology is the scientific study of viruses, their structure, function, evolution, and interactions with host organisms. Viruses are microscopic infectious agents that can infect a wide range of living organisms, from bacteria and archaea to plants, animals, and humans. They are unique entities that straddle the boundary between living and non-living, as they require host … Read more

Human Genetics: Inherited Traits and Genetic Disorders

Human genetics is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of inherited traits, genetic variation, and genetic disorders in humans. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from the basics of inheritance and genetic inheritance patterns to the molecular mechanisms underlying genetic diseases. Human genetics plays a crucial role in understanding the genetic … Read more

Microbiology: The World of Microscopic Organisms

Microbiology is the branch of biology that explores the world of microscopic organisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and algae. These tiny life forms, invisible to the naked eye, play essential roles in ecosystems, human health, agriculture, industry, and environmental processes. Microbiology encompasses diverse areas of study, from microbial diversity and evolution to microbial ecology, … Read more

Genetics: Inheritance and Molecular Basis of Life

Genetics, the study of heredity and the molecular basis of life, represents a cornerstone of modern biology with profound implications for understanding biological diversity, human health, evolution, and biotechnological applications. At the core of genetics lies the exploration of genetic inheritance, the transmission of traits from parents to offspring, and the molecular mechanisms governing genetic … Read more

The Fascinating World of Astrobiology

Astrobiology, a multidisciplinary field at the intersection of astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and planetary science, explores the origins, evolution, distribution, and potential for life in the universe. This fascinating realm of scientific inquiry delves into fundamental questions about the nature of life, its cosmic origins, and the conditions required for habitability beyond Earth. From the … Read more

Software predicts protein co-aggregation in amyloid fibrils with over 94% accuracy

Scientists from St Petersburg University and the University of Montpellier have developed the first software enabling the prediction of pairs of proteins in amyloid fibrils capable of co-aggregation, i.e. a process by which proteins become attached to one another. Their studies have shown an accuracy of more than 94%. The work is published in the Journal of Molecular … Read more

What is analytical chemistry?

Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the identification and quantification of chemical substances. It involves the use of various techniques and methods to analyze and interpret the composition of matter, providing essential information for a wide range of scientific, industrial, and environmental applications. Analytical chemists employ sophisticated instruments and methodologies to … Read more

What is immunology?

Immunology is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of the immune system, a complex and highly specialized network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against harmful pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The immune system is a crucial component of the body’s defense mechanisms, … Read more

What is biochemistry?

Biochemistry is a branch of science that explores the chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms. Combining principles from biology and chemistry, biochemistry seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the structure, function, and regulation of biological molecules. From the intricate dance of enzymes and metabolic pathways to the decoding of genetic information … Read more


Biology is the scientific study of life and living organisms. It explores a vast range of topics, including the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms. This discipline delves into various levels of biological organization, from molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems. Through methods like observation, experimentation, and analysis, biologists seek … Read more