Modern buildings may harm our microbiome, study suggests

Over the last 20 years, the life sciences have come to realize that all living beings—from the simplest animal and plant organisms to humans—live in close association with a multitude of microorganisms. Together with the multicellular host organism, these symbiotic bacteria, viruses and fungi, which colonize on and in their tissues and form the so-called … Read more

Study reveals host cell immunity plays key Role in bacteriophage therapy

A groundbreaking collaboration between micro- and immunobiologists from prestigious institutions like Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, Yale University, and the University of Pittsburgh has unveiled a crucial aspect overlooked in bacteriophage therapy research. Their findings, published in PLOS Biology, challenge the conventional approach and underscore the need to integrate host cell response into future studies on … Read more

Researchers develop skyrmion-based microdevice for energy-efficient AI computing

In a remarkable collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the National University of Singapore (NUS), a groundbreaking microelectronic device has emerged, heralding a new era in computing efficiency and sustainability. This innovative device, poised to revolutionize computing technologies, harnesses the power of tiny yet potent magnetic whirls known as skyrmions, … Read more

Researchers propose “collective AI” for future of artificial intelligence

In a recent groundbreaking perspective paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence, a coalition of leading computer scientists from esteemed institutions such as Loughborough University, MIT, and Yale has unveiled a visionary concept for the future of artificial intelligence (AI). Dubbed “Collective AI,” this paradigm shift promises to revolutionize the landscape of AI technology, resembling the … Read more

Study reveals unexpected memory capabilities in quantum neural networks

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focuses on the use of data and algorithms to allow computers to learn without explicitly being programmed. While discussions surrounding AI algorithms, such as ChatGPT and other generative models, are taking place at all levels of society, the machine learning capabilities of … Read more

Luminiferous aether

Luminiferous aether, once proposed as the medium through which light waves propagate, represents a fascinating chapter in the history of physics. Despite being a prominent concept in the 19th century, subsequent scientific advancements have revealed its conceptual limitations and ultimately led to its dismissal. Exploring the origins, development, and eventual demise of the luminiferous aether … Read more

Physicists develop method for photonic transport of quantum information

Two physicists at the University of Konstanz are developing a method that could enable the stable exchange of information in quantum computers. In the leading role: photons that make quantum bits “fly.” Quantum computers are considered the next big evolutionary step in information technology. They are expected to solve computing problems that today’s computers simply … Read more

Broccoli compound improves clot-busting drug performance in stroke treatment

A groundbreaking three-year investigation led by Australia’s Heart Research Institute (HRI) unveils a groundbreaking discovery poised to revolutionize stroke prevention and treatment strategies. This pioneering study, featured in the esteemed journal ACS Central Science, illuminates the potential of a ubiquitous cruciferous vegetable, a dietary staple for millions of Australians, in combating one of the nation’s … Read more

New magnet design paves the way for practical fusion power

In the early hours of September 5, 2021, a groundbreaking achievement unfolded within the laboratories of MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), marking a significant milestone in the realm of fusion energy research. Engineers successfully developed a new type of magnet using high-temperature superconducting material, achieving a world-record magnetic field strength of 20 tesla … Read more

Researchers develop world’s first portable room-temperature maser

Researchers from Imperial College London’s Department of Materials have crafted a cutting-edge portable maser, shrinking the technology to fit within the confines of a compact shoebox. Imperial College London had previously pioneered room-temperature solid-state masers in 2012, a milestone that underscored their capability to amplify faint electrical signals with high-frequency stability. This innovation is particularly … Read more

Beyond genes: Integrating environment into behavior genetics research

It has long been known that there is a complex interplay between genetic factors and environmental influences in shaping behavior. Recently it has been found that genes governing behavior in the brain operate within flexible and contextually responsive regulatory networks. However, conventional genome-wide association studies (GWAS) often overlook this complexity, particularly in humans where controlling … Read more

Breakthrough resolution in electron microscopy achieved without expensive aberration correction

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have shown for the first time that expensive aberration-corrected microscopes are no longer required to achieve record-breaking microscopic resolution.. The field of microscopy is in the middle of a great revolution. Since the 1800s and the invention of the compound light microscope, there have only been a … Read more

Supercritical coupling enables eight-fold increase in photon upconversion efficiency

Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and their partners have introduced an innovative concept termed “supercritical coupling,” which promises a significant enhancement in photon upconversion efficiency. This breakthrough not only challenges conventional thinking but also charts a new course in the realm of light emission control. Photon upconversion, the process of converting low-energy … Read more


Biology is the scientific study of life and living organisms. It explores a vast range of topics, including the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms. This discipline delves into various levels of biological organization, from molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems. Through methods like observation, experimentation, and analysis, biologists seek … Read more