Vitamin B6 breakdown inhibitor shows promise for vrain disorders

A low vitamin B6 level has negative effects on brain performance. A research team from Würzburg University Medicine has now found a way to delay the degradation of the vitamin. Vitamin B6 is important for brain metabolism. Accordingly, in various mental illnesses, a low vitamin B6 level is associated with impaired memory and learning abilities, … Read more

Scientists reveal sex-specific cognitive effects of astrocyte receptors

Scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine have discovered groundbreaking evidence that astrocyte receptors can have opposite effects on cognitive function in male and female preclinical models. This finding highlights the significant role of astrocytes—brain cells that support and regulate neurons—in sex-specific brain mechanisms. Traditionally, studies have focused on the behavioral effects of astrocytic receptors, predominantly in … Read more

Study reveals surprising dynamics of brain blood flow

For the first time, researchers have successfully visualized the intricate network of blood vessels spanning the cortex of awake mice. Their groundbreaking observations revealed that these blood vessels rhythmically expand and contract, creating “waves” that wash across the brain’s surface. This discovery, published in the journal Neuron, significantly enhances our understanding of cerebral blood flow, … Read more

Study links gut microbiota composition to increased sensitivity towards fairness

Decision-making in social contexts is typically explained through psychological, social, and political lenses. However, groundbreaking research by Hilke Plassmann and her team from the Paris Brain Institute and the University of Bonn suggests that our gut microbiota might also play a crucial role. Their findings, published in the journal PNAS Nexus, reveal that changes in … Read more

Neuroplasticity: Brain’s Ability to Change and Adapt

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is a fundamental property of the brain that refers to its ability to change and adapt throughout life in response to experiences, learning, environmental stimuli, injury, and disease. This remarkable capacity for structural and functional reorganization enables the brain to modify neural pathways, establish new connections, … Read more

Study shows nerve stimulation boosts brain-boosting molecule release from muscle

Exercise prompts muscles to release molecular cargo that boosts brain cell function and connection, but the process is not well understood. New research from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has found that the nerves that tell muscles to move also prompt them to release more of the brain-boosting factors. “The molecules released from the muscle … Read more

Neurochemistry: Chemical Processes in the Nervous System

Neurochemistry is the branch of neuroscience that focuses on the chemical processes occurring within the nervous system, including the synthesis, release, reuptake, and metabolism of neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and other signaling molecules. It encompasses the study of molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal communication, synaptic transmission, neuroplasticity, and brain function. Understanding neurochemistry is essential for unraveling the molecular … Read more

Neurobiology: Exploring the Nervous System

Neurobiology is a fascinating field of study that delves into the intricacies of the nervous system, which serves as the body’s communication and control center. The nervous system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinate sensory perception, motor function, cognition, and behavior. In this exploration of neurobiology, we will delve into … Read more

Study reveals brain uses both body- and object-centered maps for planning movements

Saturday evening at a well-attended stand-up party. Servers balance trays of appetizers over the heads of the guests. We spot donuts on one of these passing platters and decide in a matter of seconds in favor of the one on the far right. But then the waitress briefly disappears from our field of vision, only … Read more

Study links balanced diet to superior brain health and cognitive function

A groundbreaking study recently published in Nature Mental Health has unveiled compelling evidence linking a healthy, balanced diet to superior brain health, cognitive function, and overall mental well-being. Led by researchers at the University of Warwick, this study delves deep into the intricate connection between our dietary choices and the well-being of our brains. The … Read more

Daily fiber supplement improves brain function in older adults, particularly memory

A daily fiber supplement improved brain function in people over 60 in just 12 weeks. The study, published recently in Nature Communications by researchers from the School of Life Course & Population Sciences showed that this simple and cheap addition to diet can improve performance in memory tests associated with early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. … Read more

COVID-19 linked to lasting cognitive deficits

COVID-19 may have an impact on people’s cognitive and memory abilities that lasts a year or more after infection, according to a new study by Imperial College London researchers. The study, published today (Feb. 29) in the New England Journal of Medicine, reveals small deficits in the performance of cognitive and memory tasks in people … Read more

Study links specific astrocytes to regulation of behaviors associated with neuropsychiatric disorders

UCLA Health researchers have discovered a group of specialized support cells in the brain that can regulate behaviors associated with human neuropsychiatric disorders. The study, published in the journal Nature, focused on a group of cells known as astrocytes—star-shaped cells that tile the central nervous system and provide a support structure for the neural communication … Read more

Beyond genes: Integrating environment into behavior genetics research

It has long been known that there is a complex interplay between genetic factors and environmental influences in shaping behavior. Recently it has been found that genes governing behavior in the brain operate within flexible and contextually responsive regulatory networks. However, conventional genome-wide association studies (GWAS) often overlook this complexity, particularly in humans where controlling … Read more

Study reveals unexpected role of GABA in neurons

A neurotransmitter previously thought only to calm neurons may also play a role in waking them up, according to a study published in the journal PLOS Biology, a discovery which challenges the textbook view of how neurons communicate with one another in the brain. Gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, is thought to be the principal inhibitory … Read more

Patterned low-intensity low-frequency ultrasound (LILFUS) shows promise for precise neuromodulation and enhanced brain plasticity

The human brain’s adaptability to internal and external changes, known as neural plasticity, forms the foundation for understanding cognitive functions like memory and learning, as well as various neurological disorders. New research conducted by a team led by Dr. Park Joo Min of the Center for Cognition and Sociality within the Institute for Basic Science … Read more