How brain activation affects behavior

Our brains are made of tens of billions of nerve cells called neurons. These cells communicate with each other through biomolecules called neurotransmitters. Serotonin, a type of neurotransmitter, is produced by serotonin neurons in our brains and influences many of our behavioral and cognitive functions such as memory, sleep, and mood. Using mice, scientists at … Read more

Study links gut microbiota composition to increased sensitivity towards fairness

Decision-making in social contexts is typically explained through psychological, social, and political lenses. However, groundbreaking research by Hilke Plassmann and her team from the Paris Brain Institute and the University of Bonn suggests that our gut microbiota might also play a crucial role. Their findings, published in the journal PNAS Nexus, reveal that changes in … Read more

Neuroplasticity: Brain’s Ability to Change and Adapt

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is a fundamental property of the brain that refers to its ability to change and adapt throughout life in response to experiences, learning, environmental stimuli, injury, and disease. This remarkable capacity for structural and functional reorganization enables the brain to modify neural pathways, establish new connections, … Read more

Neurochemistry: Chemical Processes in the Nervous System

Neurochemistry is the branch of neuroscience that focuses on the chemical processes occurring within the nervous system, including the synthesis, release, reuptake, and metabolism of neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and other signaling molecules. It encompasses the study of molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal communication, synaptic transmission, neuroplasticity, and brain function. Understanding neurochemistry is essential for unraveling the molecular … Read more

Neurobiology: Exploring the Nervous System

Neurobiology is a fascinating field of study that delves into the intricacies of the nervous system, which serves as the body’s communication and control center. The nervous system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinate sensory perception, motor function, cognition, and behavior. In this exploration of neurobiology, we will delve into … Read more

Neuropeptide galanin found crucial for neural circuit formation

Neuropeptides, which are broadly considered to modulate synaptic communication, can have unique and life-long effects on brain development, particularly the wiring of neuronal circuits. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and MedUni Vienna now show that the presence of the neuropeptide galanin during a critical window of brain development is imperative for neurons to connect efficaciously to … Read more

Patterned low-intensity low-frequency ultrasound (LILFUS) shows promise for precise neuromodulation and enhanced brain plasticity

The human brain’s adaptability to internal and external changes, known as neural plasticity, forms the foundation for understanding cognitive functions like memory and learning, as well as various neurological disorders. New research conducted by a team led by Dr. Park Joo Min of the Center for Cognition and Sociality within the Institute for Basic Science … Read more

What is amino acid?

Amino acids are fundamental building blocks of proteins and play crucial roles in numerous biological processes. Understanding the structure, function, and significance of amino acids is essential for comprehending the complexity of living organisms and the molecular mechanisms that underlie their functions. Amino acids are organic molecules composed of a central carbon atom (referred to … Read more

Study links COVID neurological symptoms to body-wide inflammation, not direct brain infection

Scientists still are not sure how neurological symptoms arise in COVID-19. Is it because SARS-CoV-2 infects the brain? Or are these symptoms the result of inflammation in the rest of the body? A study by Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin has now produced evidence to support the latter theory. It was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience. Headaches, … Read more

Scientists 3D-print functional brain tissue for the first time

A team of University of Wisconsin–Madison scientists has developed the first 3D-printed brain tissue that can grow and function like typical brain tissue. It’s an achievement with important implications for scientists studying the brain and working on treatments for a broad range of neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. “This could … Read more

How do neurons transmit signals in the nervous system?

Neurons, the fundamental building blocks of the nervous system, play a crucial role in transmitting signals throughout the body. This intricate process involves the flow of information in the form of electrical impulses and neurotransmitters, allowing for communication between neurons and facilitating various physiological functions. Understanding the mechanisms behind neural signal transmission is essential for … Read more

Role of neurotransmitters in nerve signaling

Neurotransmitters play a pivotal role in the intricate and dynamic process of nerve signaling, facilitating communication between nerve cells or neurons within the nervous system. This intricate signaling system is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, coordinating various physiological processes and enabling the transmission of information from one part of the body … Read more

How do neurotransmitters function in the nervous system?

Neurotransmitters are essential signaling molecules in the nervous system, playing a central role in transmitting information between neurons and facilitating communication throughout the intricate neural networks. These chemical messengers enable the transmission of signals across synapses, the junctions between neurons, allowing for the precise and rapid communication necessary for various physiological processes. Understanding how neurotransmitters … Read more

Structure and function of the nervous system

The nervous system is a complex and intricate network that plays a crucial role in coordinating and regulating the functions of the human body. Comprising the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, the nervous system serves as the body’s command center, responsible for processing information, initiating responses, and maintaining homeostasis. Understanding the structure and function … Read more

What is the structure of a neuron?

The structure of a neuron, the fundamental building block of the nervous system, is a marvel of biological complexity. Neurons are specialized cells that transmit signals throughout the body, enabling communication between different parts of the nervous system. Understanding the intricate architecture of a neuron is essential for unraveling the mechanisms behind information processing, learning, … Read more

What are hormones?

Hormones are regulatory messengers within the human body, orchestrating and coordinating various physiological processes to maintain homeostasis. These chemical substances are produced by endocrine glands and travel through the bloodstream to target organs, where they elicit specific responses. The endocrine system, comprising glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and pancreas, plays a pivotal role … Read more

What is biochemistry?

Biochemistry is a branch of science that explores the chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms. Combining principles from biology and chemistry, biochemistry seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the structure, function, and regulation of biological molecules. From the intricate dance of enzymes and metabolic pathways to the decoding of genetic information … Read more

What is neuropharmacology?

Neuropharmacology is a specialized field within pharmacology that focuses on the study of how drugs affect the nervous system, both in terms of normal functioning and in the context of disease. This multidisciplinary science combines elements of neuroscience, pharmacology, and psychology to understand the interactions between drugs and the complex network of cells in the … Read more

What is physiology?

Physiology, derived from the Greek words “physis” (nature) and “logos” (study), is the scientific discipline that explores the normal functioning of living organisms. It aims to understand the mechanisms that govern the various physiological processes within organisms, from the cellular level to complex organ systems. Physiology provides insights into how living organisms maintain homeostasis, respond … Read more

What is neuroscience?

Neuroscience, a multidisciplinary field of study, is dedicated to understanding the structure and function of the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. This dynamic and rapidly evolving field integrates knowledge from various scientific disciplines, including biology, psychology, physics, and computer science, to unravel the complexities of the nervous system. Neuroscience … Read more