New theory quantifies information carried by waves in interaction with environment

Waves pick up information from their environment through which they propagate. A theory of information carried by waves has now been developed at TU Wien—with astonishing results that can be utilized for technical applications. Ultrasound is used to analyze the body, radar systems to study airspace or seismic waves to study the interior of our … Read more

Antiferroelectric films show promise for overcoming clamping issues in miniaturized piezoelectric devices

Lighting a gas grill, getting an ultrasound, using an ultrasonic toothbrush—these actions involve the use of materials that can translate an electric voltage into a change in shape and vice versa. Known as piezoelectricity, the ability to trade between mechanical stress and electric charge can be harnessed widely in capacitors, actuators, transducers and sensors like … Read more

Tiger beetles use ultrasound to mimic noxious moths, study finds

Bats, as the main predator of night-flying insects, create a selective pressure that has led many of their prey to evolve an early warning system of sorts: ears uniquely tuned to high-frequency bat echolocation. To date, scientists have found at least six orders of insects—including moths, beetles, crickets and grasshoppers—that have evolved ears capable of … Read more

Human Reproductive Biology: Reproduction and Development

Human reproductive biology is a fascinating and complex field that encompasses the processes of reproduction and development from conception to birth. Understanding these processes is crucial not only for scientific knowledge but also for medical advancements, family planning, and reproductive health. Reproduction in humans begins with the union of a sperm cell and an egg … Read more

Human Anatomy: Understanding the Body’s Structure

Human anatomy, the study of the body’s structure and organization, provides a foundational framework for understanding the complex organization and functions of the human body. From the microscopic level of cells and tissues to the macroscopic level of organs and organ systems, human anatomy elucidates the anatomical structures, physiological processes, and interconnected systems that sustain … Read more

Study links placental oxygenation to cortical growth and potential childhood cognitive outcomes

A new study shows oxygenation levels in the placenta, formed during the last three months of fetal development, are an important predictor of cortical growth (development of the outermost layer of the brain or cerebral cortex) and is likely a predictor of childhood cognition and behaviour. “Many factors can disrupt healthy brain development in utero, … Read more

Patterned low-intensity low-frequency ultrasound (LILFUS) shows promise for precise neuromodulation and enhanced brain plasticity

The human brain’s adaptability to internal and external changes, known as neural plasticity, forms the foundation for understanding cognitive functions like memory and learning, as well as various neurological disorders. New research conducted by a team led by Dr. Park Joo Min of the Center for Cognition and Sociality within the Institute for Basic Science … Read more