Study links gut microbiota composition to increased sensitivity towards fairness

Decision-making in social contexts is typically explained through psychological, social, and political lenses. However, groundbreaking research by Hilke Plassmann and her team from the Paris Brain Institute and the University of Bonn suggests that our gut microbiota might also play a crucial role. Their findings, published in the journal PNAS Nexus, reveal that changes in … Read more

Animal Development: Embryonic Development and Morphogenesis

Animal development, also known as embryonic development, encompasses the complex processes through which a single fertilized egg cell transforms into a multicellular organism with distinct tissues, organs, and body structures. This intricate journey involves cellular differentiation, tissue organization, morphogenetic movements, and regulatory mechanisms that orchestrate the formation of body axes, germ layers, organ systems, and … Read more

Pharmacology: Study of Drug Action and Interaction with Organisms

Pharmacology is a multifaceted scientific discipline that delves into the study of drugs, their actions within biological systems, and their interactions with living organisms. It is a field that intersects with various branches of biology, chemistry, medicine, and pharmacy, aiming to understand how drugs work, their therapeutic effects, potential side effects, and mechanisms of action. … Read more

Neurochemistry: Chemical Processes in the Nervous System

Neurochemistry is the branch of neuroscience that focuses on the chemical processes occurring within the nervous system, including the synthesis, release, reuptake, and metabolism of neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and other signaling molecules. It encompasses the study of molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal communication, synaptic transmission, neuroplasticity, and brain function. Understanding neurochemistry is essential for unraveling the molecular … Read more

Human Reproductive Biology: Reproduction and Development

Human reproductive biology is a fascinating and complex field that encompasses the processes of reproduction and development from conception to birth. Understanding these processes is crucial not only for scientific knowledge but also for medical advancements, family planning, and reproductive health. Reproduction in humans begins with the union of a sperm cell and an egg … Read more

Animal Physiology: Functions and Adaptations in Animals

Animal physiology is the branch of biology that focuses on understanding the biological functions and adaptations of animals, ranging from microscopic organisms to complex multicellular organisms. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including cellular processes, organ systems, homeostasis, metabolism, reproduction, behavior, and adaptations to diverse environments. By studying animal physiology, scientists gain insights into … Read more

Neurobiology: Exploring the Nervous System

Neurobiology is a fascinating field of study that delves into the intricacies of the nervous system, which serves as the body’s communication and control center. The nervous system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that coordinate sensory perception, motor function, cognition, and behavior. In this exploration of neurobiology, we will delve into … Read more

Physiology: Functions of Organ Systems

Physiology is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of the functions and processes of living organisms and their parts. It encompasses various levels of organization, from cells and tissues to organs and organ systems, and examines how these components work together to maintain homeostasis and support life. In this discussion, we’ll delve … Read more

Study reveals proteasomes in peripheral neurons may play role in sensory processing

The typical job of the proteasome, the garbage disposal of the cell, is to grind down proteins into smaller bits and recycle some of those bits and parts. That’s still the case, for the most part, but, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers, studying nerve cells grown in the lab and mice, say that the proteasome’s role … Read more

Study links specific astrocytes to regulation of behaviors associated with neuropsychiatric disorders

UCLA Health researchers have discovered a group of specialized support cells in the brain that can regulate behaviors associated with human neuropsychiatric disorders. The study, published in the journal Nature, focused on a group of cells known as astrocytes—star-shaped cells that tile the central nervous system and provide a support structure for the neural communication … Read more