Researchers discover new cell death pathway in response to DNA damage

Chemotherapy kills cancer cells. But the way these cells die appears to be different than previously understood. Researchers from the Netherlands Cancer Institute, led by Thijn Brummelkamp, have uncovered a completely new way in which cancer cells die: due to the Schlafen11 gene. “This is a very unexpected finding. Cancer patients have been treated with … Read more

Microbial Genetics: Genetic Mechanisms in Bacteria and Archaea

Microbial genetics is a specialized field within genetics that focuses on the study of genetic mechanisms in bacteria and archaea, collectively referred to as microorganisms or microbes. These single-celled organisms play crucial roles in various ecosystems, contributing to nutrient cycling, biogeochemical processes, symbiotic relationships, and human health. Microbial genetics explores the diversity, evolution, regulation, and … Read more

Endocrinology: Study of Hormones and Endocrine System

Endocrinology is the branch of biology and medicine that deals with the study of hormones and the endocrine system. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands in the endocrine system, which regulate various physiological processes and maintain homeostasis in the body. The endocrine system consists of glands and organs that secrete hormones directly into the … Read more

Molecular Biology: Understanding Biological Processes at the Molecular Level

Molecular biology is a branch of biology that explores the structure, function, and interactions of biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, at the molecular level. It encompasses a wide range of techniques, methodologies, and disciplines aimed at understanding biological processes, genetic information flow, gene expression, cellular functions, and molecular mechanisms underlying life. … Read more

Animal Physiology: Functions and Adaptations in Animals

Animal physiology is the branch of biology that focuses on understanding the biological functions and adaptations of animals, ranging from microscopic organisms to complex multicellular organisms. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including cellular processes, organ systems, homeostasis, metabolism, reproduction, behavior, and adaptations to diverse environments. By studying animal physiology, scientists gain insights into … Read more

Botany: Diversity and Adaptations of Plants

Botany, the scientific study of plants, encompasses a vast array of topics ranging from plant structure and function to their evolutionary history, ecological interactions, and economic importance. Plants are essential for life on Earth, serving as the primary producers in ecosystems, providing oxygen, food, shelter, and numerous other resources for humans and other organisms. The … Read more

Wild orangutan observed using plant to treat facial wound

Even though there is evidence of certain self-medication behaviors in animals, so far it has never been known that animals treat their wounds with healing plants. Now, biologists from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Germany and Universitas Nasional, Indonesia have observed this in a male Sumatran orangutan who sustained a facial wound. He … Read more

Plant Physiology: Adaptations and Growth Mechanisms

Plant physiology is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of how plants function, grow, develop, and respond to their environment. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including plant anatomy, biochemistry, metabolism, genetics, reproduction, and interactions with biotic and abiotic factors. Understanding plant physiology is essential for agriculture, forestry, ecology, environmental science, … Read more

DNA Structure and Function: Blueprint of Life

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a molecule that serves as the blueprint of life, carrying the genetic instructions necessary for the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all living organisms. Its structure and function are essential components of molecular biology and genetics, providing insights into the fundamental processes that govern life on Earth. DNA Structure The … Read more

Biochemistry: Chemical Processes in Living Organisms

Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes and molecules within living organisms. It delves into the structure, function, and interactions of biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and metabolites, elucidating fundamental principles of life, cellular functions, biochemical pathways, and molecular mechanisms underlying biological processes. Proteins Proteins are essential biomolecules … Read more

Human Anatomy: Understanding the Body’s Structure

Human anatomy, the study of the body’s structure and organization, provides a foundational framework for understanding the complex organization and functions of the human body. From the microscopic level of cells and tissues to the macroscopic level of organs and organ systems, human anatomy elucidates the anatomical structures, physiological processes, and interconnected systems that sustain … Read more

Genetics: Inheritance and Molecular Basis of Life

Genetics, the study of heredity and the molecular basis of life, represents a cornerstone of modern biology with profound implications for understanding biological diversity, human health, evolution, and biotechnological applications. At the core of genetics lies the exploration of genetic inheritance, the transmission of traits from parents to offspring, and the molecular mechanisms governing genetic … Read more

The Cell: Fundamental Unit of Life

The cell, often described as the fundamental unit of life, represents the building block of all living organisms. This microscopic entity is the smallest structural and functional unit of life, capable of carrying out the essential processes necessary for an organism’s survival and reproduction. From single-celled organisms like bacteria to complex multicellular organisms like humans, … Read more

Reduced ribosome production linked to extended lifespan and improved cellular health

Ribosomes, the “translation factories” of the cell, are cellular organelles that play a central role in protein synthesis, a vital process for all living organisms. These tiny structures themselves consist of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins and are essential for the survival and normal functioning of the cell, as the proteins they produce are required … Read more

What is amino acid?

Amino acids are fundamental building blocks of proteins and play crucial roles in numerous biological processes. Understanding the structure, function, and significance of amino acids is essential for comprehending the complexity of living organisms and the molecular mechanisms that underlie their functions. Amino acids are organic molecules composed of a central carbon atom (referred to … Read more

What is the difference between DNA and RNA?

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) are two fundamental molecules essential for life as we know it. While they share similarities in their chemical composition and play crucial roles in genetic processes, they also exhibit distinct differences that are essential for understanding the complexity of biological systems. DNA, famously known as the “molecule of … Read more

Researchers develop new antibiotic effective against drug-resistant bacteria

A new antibiotic created by Harvard researchers overcomes antimicrobial resistance mechanisms that have rendered many modern drugs ineffective and are driving a global public health crisis. A team led by Andrew Myers, Amory Houghton Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, reports in Science that their synthetic compound, cresomycin, kills many strains of drug-resistant bacteria, including … Read more

Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the study of carbon-containing compounds. It is a vast and diverse field with applications ranging from pharmaceuticals and materials science to agriculture and environmental science. The study of organic chemistry dates back centuries, with significant advancements made in understanding the structure, properties, and reactions of … Read more

What type of cells lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles?

Cells lacking a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are known as prokaryotic cells. These cells represent one of the two major categories of cells, the other being eukaryotic cells, which possess a nucleus and various membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotic cells are found in two domains of life: Bacteria and Archaea. Despite their simplicity compared to eukaryotic cells, … Read more


Antibiotics have revolutionized the field of medicine, providing effective tools to combat bacterial infections and save countless lives. These powerful medications, derived from natural sources or synthesized in laboratories, target bacteria by interfering with their growth and reproduction. The discovery of antibiotics represents one of the most significant breakthroughs in medical history, shaping the landscape … Read more