Researchers control quantum states with spin-polarized currents

Researchers at ETH Zurich have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum physics by demonstrating that quantum states of single electron spins can be controlled using spin-polarized electron currents. This pioneering method holds potential for future applications in electronic circuit elements, potentially revolutionizing data storage and processing. The Spin of Electrons Electrons possess an intrinsic angular … Read more

Astronomers unveil complex globular cluster system in giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4696

Using the advanced capabilities of the Magellan Telescopes in Chile, astronomers have conducted detailed photometric observations of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4696. These observations have uncovered a complex globular cluster system within the galaxy, as detailed in a paper published on June 12 on the pre-print server arXiv. NGC 4696, positioned approximately 145 million … Read more

Study finds flat rotation curves of galaxies over vast distances

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at Case Western Reserve University have uncovered new evidence that could fundamentally reshape our understanding of the universe. Tobias Mistele, a post-doctoral scholar in the Department of Astronomy at Case Western Reserve’s College of Arts and Sciences, has utilized a novel approach involving “gravitational lensing” to explore the elusive realm … Read more

Physicists achieve breakthrough in quantum entanglement with top quarks

A team of physicists led by University of Rochester professor Regina Demina has made a groundbreaking discovery in the realm of quantum entanglement, an enigmatic phenomenon famously referred to by Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance.” Quantum entanglement involves the interlinked behavior of tiny particles that, once having interacted, can influence each other … Read more

Scientists discover unforeseen vortex behavior in light particles

Vortices are a common physical phenomenon. You find them in the structure of galaxies, tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as in a cup of tea, or water as it drains from the bathtub. Normally, vortices are formed when very fast-flowing air, water or another substance encounters an area with a slower flow. They are characterized … Read more

Scientists simulate a hallmark of quantum gravity

In a groundbreaking development at the intersection of quantum mechanics and general relativity, researchers have made significant strides toward unraveling the mysteries of quantum gravity. This work sheds new light on future experiments that hold promise for resolving one of the most fundamental enigmas in modern physics: the reconciliation of Einstein’s theory of gravity with … Read more

Halogen bonds orchestrate ultrafast dynamics in multifunctional crystals

Researchers have uncovered how the halogen bond can be exploited to direct sequential dynamics in multi-functional crystals, offering crucial insights for developing ultrafast-response times for multilevel optical storage. Halogen bonds are intermolecular interactions that arise from the attraction between a halogen atom (group 17 elements in the periodic table) and another atom with lone pairs, … Read more

Ancient hunters shifted to specialized tools as elephants disappeared

A new study from Tel Aviv University identified the earliest appearance worldwide of special stone tools, used 400,000 years ago to process fallow deer. The tools, called Quina scrapers (after the site in France where they were first discovered), were unearthed at the prehistoric sites of Jaljulia and Qesem Cave. They are characterized by a … Read more

New confocal microscopy technique enables 3D visualization of colloidal crystal interiors

A team of New York University researchers has created a new way to visualize crystals by peering inside their structures, akin to having X-ray vision. Their new technique—which they aptly named “Crystal Clear”—combines the use of transparent particles and microscopes with lasers that allow scientists to see each unit that makes up the crystal and … Read more

Astronomers discover the earliest and most distant galaxies with James Webb Space Telescope

An international team of astronomers has made a groundbreaking discovery with the identification of the two earliest and most distant galaxies ever observed, dating back to just 300 million years after the Big Bang. This significant milestone in the study of the early universe was achieved using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The discoveries … Read more

Discovery of PrMgAl11O19 single crystals advances spin liquid research

A spin liquid is a fascinating state of matter that occurs in certain magnetic materials at very low temperatures. Unlike conventional magnetic states where electron spins align in a regular pattern, spin liquids exhibit a disordered state due to the peculiarities of quantum mechanics. This state of matter does not resemble everyday liquids but is … Read more

Study quantifies bioelectrical potential in plants linked to circadian rhythm

When plants draw water from their roots to nourish their stems and leaves, they generate an electric potential that could be harnessed as a renewable energy source. This phenomenon, stemming from the movement of ions within the plant, has the potential to revolutionize sustainable energy solutions. However, plants are governed by a circadian rhythm, a … Read more

Dynamic disorder unravels the mystery of slowdown in supercooled water

A scientist at the Institute for Molecular Science has published a study that provides insight into the puzzling phenomenon of dynamic slowdown in supercooled water, an essential step toward understanding the glass transition in liquids. The study, “Unraveling the dynamic slowdown in supercooled water: The role of dynamic disorder in jump motions,” explores the microscopic … Read more

First-ever measurement of promethium’s chemical bond fills gap in rare earth knowledge

Scientists have recently uncovered new properties of promethium, a rare earth element first discovered 80 years ago at Clinton Laboratories, now known as the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This breakthrough opens a new pathway for exploring elements that are critical in modern technology, including applications in medicine and space travel. Promethium, … Read more

Study shows breakthrough infections enhance immune response to COVID-19

New research from scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) suggests people who received COVID-19 vaccines and then experienced “breakthrough” infections are especially well armed against future SARS-CoV-2 infections. By analyzing blood samples from study volunteers, the LJI researchers discovered that people who experienced symptomatic breakthrough infections develop T cells that are better at … Read more

Heatmaps reveal different trematode species favor specific body locations in amphibian hosts

Trematodes, also known as flukes, are a class of parasitic flatworms with intricate lifecycles. This makes them interesting to scientists, but they are also significant to both human health and wildlife conservation. Trematodes can cause infection in humans when people eat food the flatworms have contaminated, including raw fish, crustaceans and vegetables. Though this is … Read more

Chemists uncover novel light-matter interaction in nanostructured silicon

A research team headed by chemists at the University of California, Irvine has discovered a previously unknown way in which light interacts with matter, a finding that could lead to improved solar power systems, light-emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers and other technological advancements. In a paper published recently in the journal ACS Nano, the scientists, joined … Read more

Attosecond spectroscopy captures furan ring-opening dynamics in real time

Chemical reactions are complex mechanisms. Many different dynamic processes are involved, affecting both the electrons and the nucleus of the present atoms. Very often, the strongly coupled electron and nuclear dynamics induce radiation-less relaxation processes known as conical intersections. Such dynamics, which are at the basis of many biological and chemical relevant functions, are extremely … Read more

Animal Ecology: Behavior and Interactions in Animal Populations

Animal ecology is a branch of biology that focuses on the study of animals in their natural habitats, examining their behaviors, interactions, adaptations, and population dynamics within ecological systems. By understanding how animals interact with their environment and with each other, animal ecologists gain insights into the ecological processes that shape ecosystems and influence biodiversity. … Read more