Revolutionizing automotive safety with bio-inspired AI cameras

Artificial intelligence (AI), in conjunction with a novel bio-inspired camera, has achieved a breakthrough in pedestrian and obstacle detection, boasting a 100-times increase in speed compared to current automotive cameras. Researchers from the University of Zurich spearheaded this significant advancement, which holds promise for dramatically enhancing the safety of automotive systems and self-driving vehicles. The … Read more

Researchers develop compact device for characterizing quantum photons

An increasing number of emerging quantum applications operate using optical technologies. Essentially, photons carry information at the speed of light and over long distances, making them good candidates for fast and secure communications and quantum computing. Many of these applications require photons that are identical (indistinguishable). When the photons are not identical, it can lead … Read more

Attosecond spectroscopy captures furan ring-opening dynamics in real time

Chemical reactions are complex mechanisms. Many different dynamic processes are involved, affecting both the electrons and the nucleus of the present atoms. Very often, the strongly coupled electron and nuclear dynamics induce radiation-less relaxation processes known as conical intersections. Such dynamics, which are at the basis of many biological and chemical relevant functions, are extremely … Read more

Researchers achieve record fusion plasma conditions in tungsten environment at WEST tokamak

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) measured a new record for a fusion device internally clad in tungsten, the element that could be the best fit for the commercial-scale machines required to make fusion a viable energy source for the world. The device sustained a hot fusion plasma … Read more

Genetics of Cancer: Causes and Treatments

Cancer is a complex group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation. It can affect virtually any part of the body and is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The genetics of cancer play a crucial role in understanding its causes, development, progression, and potential treatments. Genetic Basis of … Read more

Prototype sensor uses laser light to detect errors in MRI scans

Hvidovre Hospital has the world’s first prototype of a sensor capable of detecting errors in MRI scans using laser light and gas. The new sensor, developed by a young researcher at the University of Copenhagen and Hvidovre Hospital, can thereby do what is impossible for current electrical sensors—and hopefully pave the way for MRI scans … Read more

Single-shot, complete polarization imaging achieved with metasurfaces

Think of all the information we get based on how an object interacts with wavelengths of light—aka color. Color can tell us if food is safe to eat or if a piece of metal is hot. Color is an important diagnostic tool in medicine, helping practitioners diagnose diseased tissue, inflammation, or problems in blood flow. … Read more

Multimode sensing transforms WGM resonators, enabling high-resolution optical detection

Whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) resonators have long fascinated scientists and engineers with their ability to concentrate and manipulate light in minute circular paths, akin to the way whispering galleries focus sound waves. This unique property has led to their utilization in various sensing applications, from detecting chemical signatures to monitoring single molecules. However, their widespread adoption has … Read more

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of astronomy by enabling new approaches to data analysis, pattern recognition, and knowledge discovery. From processing vast amounts of observational data to enhancing simulations, AI techniques are enhancing our understanding of the universe and accelerating scientific discoveries. The role of AI in astronomy encompasses a wide range of … Read more

The Role of Satellites in Space Research

Satellites play a pivotal role in space research, revolutionizing our understanding of the universe and enabling a wide range of scientific, technological, and societal advancements. These artificial objects orbiting Earth and other celestial bodies serve diverse purposes, from studying distant galaxies to monitoring Earth’s climate and supporting global communications networks. The integration of satellite technology … Read more

Understanding Solar Flares and Space Weather

Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy and radiation that occur on the Sun’s surface, releasing vast amounts of electromagnetic radiation, energetic particles, and plasma into space. These solar eruptions are a fascinating yet potentially hazardous phenomenon that can impact Earth and our technology, leading to what is known as space weather. Understanding solar flares … Read more

Beta bursts: A key to understanding how the brain controls cognition

Bursts of brain rhythms with “beta” frequencies control where and when neurons in the cortex process sensory information and plan responses. Studying these bursts would improve understanding of cognition and clinical disorders, researchers argue in a new review. The brain processes information on many scales. Individual cells electrochemically transmit signals in circuits but at the … Read more

Tiny thermal sensors promise to supercharge quantum computers

Chasing ever-higher qubit counts in near-term quantum computers constantly demands new feats of engineering. Among the troublesome hurdles of this scaling-up race is refining how qubits are measured. Devices called parametric amplifiers are traditionally used to do these measurements. But as the name suggests, the device amplifies weak signals picked up from the qubits to … Read more

High-speed wavefront shaping achieved with integrated metasurface and photonic waveguide

Over the past decade, metasurfaces deploying two-dimensional artificial nanostructures have emerged as a groundbreaking platform to manipulate light across various degrees of freedom. These metasurfaces exhibit significant potential in foundational scientific research and industrial applications. Compared to the static control of optical fields, dynamic optical field control introduces new control variables in the time domain, … Read more

Researchers develop power-free levitation platform using graphite for sensor applications

Researchers at the Quantum Machines Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) are studying levitating materials—substances that can remain suspended in a stable position without any physical contact or mechanical support. The most common type of levitation occurs through magnetic fields. Objects such as superconductors or diamagnetic materials (materials repelled by a … Read more

New evidence of hidden jet lurking at Milky Way’s center

A new image from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration—which includes scientists from the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA)— has uncovered strong and organized magnetic fields spiraling from the edge of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). Seen in polarized light for the first time, this new view of the … Read more

Researchers propose “collective AI” for future of artificial intelligence

In a recent groundbreaking perspective paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence, a coalition of leading computer scientists from esteemed institutions such as Loughborough University, MIT, and Yale has unveiled a visionary concept for the future of artificial intelligence (AI). Dubbed “Collective AI,” this paradigm shift promises to revolutionize the landscape of AI technology, resembling the … Read more

Latent Dynamics Networks: A new machine learning tool for understanding spatio-temporal processes

The result of a new study on the intrinsic dynamics of spatio-temporal processes conducted at the MOX laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano (Department of Mathematics) by Francesco Regazzoni, Stefano Pagani, Matteo Salvador has been published in Nature Communications. The Politecnico researchers introduced an innovative type of artificial neural network called “Latent Dynamics Network” (LDNet), … Read more

Periodic Table

The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of chemical elements, organized by their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. It provides a systematic way to categorize and understand the behavior of elements based on their shared characteristics. Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with developing the first periodic table in 1869, arranging elements by their … Read more

Machine learning identifies crucial role of cold gas in galaxy mergers and black hole growth

When they are active, supermassive black holes play a crucial role in the way galaxies evolve. Until now, growth was thought to be triggered by the violent collision of two galaxies followed by their merger; however, new research led by the University of Bath suggests galaxy mergers alone are not enough to fuel a black … Read more