Revolutionizing automotive safety with bio-inspired AI cameras

Artificial intelligence (AI), in conjunction with a novel bio-inspired camera, has achieved a breakthrough in pedestrian and obstacle detection, boasting a 100-times increase in speed compared to current automotive cameras. Researchers from the University of Zurich spearheaded this significant advancement, which holds promise for dramatically enhancing the safety of automotive systems and self-driving vehicles. The … Read more

Researchers create synthetic droplets mimicking chemotaxis in early life

Our bodies are made up of trillions of different cells, each fulfilling their own unique function to keep us alive. How do cells move around inside these extremely complicated systems? How do they know where to go? And how did they get so complicated to begin with? Simple yet profound questions like these are at … Read more

The Future of Space Exploration

The future of space exploration holds tremendous promise and excitement, with ambitious plans, innovative technologies, and international collaborations poised to expand humanity’s reach into the cosmos. From returning humans to the Moon and exploring Mars to venturing deeper into the solar system and beyond, the next era of space exploration is set to unlock new … Read more

The Influence of the Moon on Earth

The Moon, Earth’s celestial companion, exerts a profound influence on our planet across a multitude of dimensions, ranging from gravitational forces to environmental cycles. Its presence shapes Earth’s tides, stabilizes its axial tilt, influences its climate, and even plays a role in cultural and societal aspects. Gravitational Interaction and Tidal Forces One of the most … Read more

New AI-radar combo detects hidden defects in wind turbine blades

An unprecedented collaboration between EPFL and the University of Glasgow has yielded a cutting-edge machine-learning algorithm designed to identify concealed manufacturing defects within wind turbine composite blades—an innovation poised to revolutionize the wind energy industry. The detrimental impact of faulty wind turbine blades on operational efficiency and financial costs is well-documented, underscoring the critical importance … Read more

Liquid-cooled clothing gets silent and compact with new electrohydrodynamic pump

Imagine adjusting your clothes to beat the summer heat or winter chill just by changing the temperature of your clothes, on the go. Wearable thermal control devices promise just that, offering portable personal thermal comfort. Not only that, but these devices also have other applications such as providing temperature feedback in virtual and augmented reality … Read more

Robots to the rescue: Harvard team designs self-repairing habitats for deep space

In the coming decades, NASA plans to send human crews back to the moon, build a space station in lunar orbit, establish a permanent base on the lunar surface, and—hopefully—send astronauts to Mars. What could possibly go wrong? No, seriously, what could go wrong and how would we fix it? That is the question a … Read more

3D-printed air-powered logic modules control soft robots without electronics

In the future, soft robots will be able to perform tasks that cannot be done by conventional robots. These soft robots could be used in terrain that is difficult to access and in environments where they are exposed to chemicals or radiation that would harm electronically controlled robots made of metal. This requires such soft … Read more

Deep learning

Deep learning stands at the forefront of artificial intelligence, representing a subfield that has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years. It revolves around the concept of training neural networks with multiple hidden layers—commonly known as deep neural networks—to learn intricate representations of data. This hierarchical learning enables deep learning models to automatically extract features and … Read more

What is analytical chemistry?

Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the identification and quantification of chemical substances. It involves the use of various techniques and methods to analyze and interpret the composition of matter, providing essential information for a wide range of scientific, industrial, and environmental applications. Analytical chemists employ sophisticated instruments and methodologies to … Read more

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a multidisciplinary field of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. The ultimate goal of AI is to develop machines that can emulate and replicate human cognitive functions, making them capable of … Read more

What is LiDAR?

LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing technology that utilizes laser light to measure distances and generate precise, three-dimensional representations of the Earth’s surface. This advanced technique has found applications in various fields, including cartography, forestry, archaeology, autonomous vehicles, and environmental monitoring. To comprehend the significance of LiDAR, one must … Read more

Eco-friendly fluorescent artificial seeds monitor soil temperature

Researchers have invented a new kind of artificial seed to sense environmental parameters without impacting the health of the environment. The soft robot, named Acer i-Seed, is inspired by natural Acer seeds and can monitor the temperature of the soil by becoming luminescent. It is made of a biocompatible and compostable material, and it has … Read more

Robotic arm revolutionizes quantum research

Scientists carrying out quantum research will be able to do so faster and more adaptably, thanks to a new robotic arm which could hold the key to major breakthroughs. The invention, developed by researchers in Quantum Engineering Technology Labs and the Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL) at the University of Bristol, has a unique design, allowing … Read more

Soft robots made possible by a new 3D printing technology

3D printing is advancing rapidly, and the range of materials that can be used has expanded considerably. While the technology was previously limited to fast-curing plastics, it has now been made suitable for slow-curing plastics as well. These have decisive advantages as they have enhanced elastic properties and are more durable and robust. The use … Read more

New method beams images around opaque objects without line of sight

Researchers at UCLA’s Samueli School of Engineering and the California NanoSystems Institute, led by Dr. Aydogan Ozcan and Dr. Mona Jarrahi, has introduced a groundbreaking method for transmitting optical information around obstacles or walls, even when there’s no direct line of sight between the transmitter and receiver. This innovative approach allows for the transfer of … Read more

New image translation model could improve AI performance

A groundbreaking image translation model, created by Professor Sang-hyun Park and his team at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology’s Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, holds the potential to effectively mitigate data biases. In the development of artificial intelligence (AI) models that utilize images from diverse sources, data biases can inadvertently creep in … Read more

Object-based attention models eye movements in dynamic real-world scenes

As I gaze out the window, a scene unfolds before my eyes. A tiny bird gracefully soars across the vast expanse of the azure sky, while a young girl sporting a vibrant red baseball cap strolls along the sunlit sidewalk. Nearby, two individuals find respite on a park bench, engaging in quiet conversation. Yet, this … Read more

Microrobots team up to perform surgery inside the body

Researchers at the University of Twente’s Surgical Robotics Laboratory have achieved a groundbreaking milestone by enabling two minuscule microrobots to collaborate in 3D environments, offering remarkable potential for biomedical applications. Picture a scenario where these robots, smaller than grains of salt, perform intricate surgeries within the human body. These microrobots can work together, almost magically, … Read more