New technique enables on-demand creation of qubits in silicon with atomic precision

Quantum computers have the potential to solve complex problems in human health, drug discovery, and artificial intelligence millions of times faster than some of the world’s fastest supercomputers. A network of quantum computers could advance these discoveries even faster. But before that can happen, the computer industry will need a reliable way to string together … Read more

Machine learning algorithms enhance search for new physics at the LHC

One of the main goals of the LHC experiments is to look for signs of new particles, which could explain many of the unsolved mysteries in physics. Often, searches for new physics are designed to look for one specific type of new particle at a time, using theoretical predictions as a guide. But what about … Read more

Revolutionizing automotive safety with bio-inspired AI cameras

Artificial intelligence (AI), in conjunction with a novel bio-inspired camera, has achieved a breakthrough in pedestrian and obstacle detection, boasting a 100-times increase in speed compared to current automotive cameras. Researchers from the University of Zurich spearheaded this significant advancement, which holds promise for dramatically enhancing the safety of automotive systems and self-driving vehicles. The … Read more

Quantum system-on-chip architecture for large-scale quantum computing

Quantum computers hold the promise of solving extremely complex problems rapidly—tasks that could take the world’s most powerful supercomputers decades to crack. However, achieving such performance requires building a system with millions of interconnected qubits. The creation and control of such vast numbers of qubits in a hardware architecture is a formidable challenge that scientists … Read more

Bioinformatics: Data Analysis in Biological Research

Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary field that combines biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics to analyze and interpret biological data. It plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of complex biological systems, from genomics and proteomics to evolutionary biology and drug discovery. By leveraging computational tools and algorithms, bioinformatics enables researchers to extract meaningful insights … Read more

Genetics of Cancer: Causes and Treatments

Cancer is a complex group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation. It can affect virtually any part of the body and is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The genetics of cancer play a crucial role in understanding its causes, development, progression, and potential treatments. Genetic Basis of … Read more

History of Life on Earth

The history of life on Earth spans billions of years, from the formation of our planet to the evolution of diverse life forms. This epic tale of biological evolution is intertwined with geological events, environmental changes, extinction events, and the emergence of complex organisms. The story of life on Earth is a testament to the … Read more

Researchers develop recyclable circuit boards for sustainable electronics

A recent United Nations report found that the world generated 137 billion pounds of electronic waste in 2022, an 82% increase from 2010. Yet less than a quarter of 2022’s e-waste was recycled. While many things impede a sustainable afterlife for electronics, one is that we don’t have systems at scale to recycle the printed … Read more

New flowering plant tree of life unveiled using DNA from herbarium specimens

A new paper published today (April 24) in the journal Nature by an international team of 279 scientists led by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew presents the most up-to-date understanding of the flowering plant tree of life. Using 1.8 billion letters of genetic code from more than 9,500 species covering almost 8,000 known flowering plant … Read more

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of astronomy by enabling new approaches to data analysis, pattern recognition, and knowledge discovery. From processing vast amounts of observational data to enhancing simulations, AI techniques are enhancing our understanding of the universe and accelerating scientific discoveries. The role of AI in astronomy encompasses a wide range of … Read more

The Future of Space Exploration

The future of space exploration holds tremendous promise and excitement, with ambitious plans, innovative technologies, and international collaborations poised to expand humanity’s reach into the cosmos. From returning humans to the Moon and exploring Mars to venturing deeper into the solar system and beyond, the next era of space exploration is set to unlock new … Read more

Researchers develop skyrmion-based microdevice for energy-efficient AI computing

In a remarkable collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the National University of Singapore (NUS), a groundbreaking microelectronic device has emerged, heralding a new era in computing efficiency and sustainability. This innovative device, poised to revolutionize computing technologies, harnesses the power of tiny yet potent magnetic whirls known as skyrmions, … Read more

Researchers propose “collective AI” for future of artificial intelligence

In a recent groundbreaking perspective paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence, a coalition of leading computer scientists from esteemed institutions such as Loughborough University, MIT, and Yale has unveiled a visionary concept for the future of artificial intelligence (AI). Dubbed “Collective AI,” this paradigm shift promises to revolutionize the landscape of AI technology, resembling the … Read more

Study reveals unexpected memory capabilities in quantum neural networks

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focuses on the use of data and algorithms to allow computers to learn without explicitly being programmed. While discussions surrounding AI algorithms, such as ChatGPT and other generative models, are taking place at all levels of society, the machine learning capabilities of … Read more

New design framework paves the way for high-performance LWIR meta-optics

Long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) imaging holds critical significance across many applications, from consumer electronics to defense and national security. It finds applications in night vision, remote sensing, and long-range imaging. However, the conventional refractive lenses employed in these imaging systems are bulky and heavy, which is undesirable for almost all applications. Compounding this issue is the … Read more

Latent Dynamics Networks: A new machine learning tool for understanding spatio-temporal processes

The result of a new study on the intrinsic dynamics of spatio-temporal processes conducted at the MOX laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano (Department of Mathematics) by Francesco Regazzoni, Stefano Pagani, Matteo Salvador has been published in Nature Communications. The Politecnico researchers introduced an innovative type of artificial neural network called “Latent Dynamics Network” (LDNet), … Read more

New study paves the way for scalable, energy-efficient optical neural networks

New research from U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) researchers delivers a novel contribution to fiber optics computing. Titled “Fiber optic computing using distributed feedback,” the paper published in Communications Physics journal brings the Navy one step closer to faster, more efficient computing technologies. Optical computing uses the properties of light such as its speed and … Read more

Artificial intelligence analysis of galaxy map refines estimates of dark energy’s properties

A UCL-led research team has used artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to infer the influence and properties of dark energy more precisely from a map of dark and visible matter in the universe covering the last 7 billion years. The study, submitted to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and available on the arXiv preprint server, was carried … Read more

New coherent correlation imaging technique unveils hidden dynamics in magnetic materials

With time scheduled to use a certain beamline at the National Synchrotron Light Source-II (NSLS-II), scientists from NSLS-II and their partner institutions faced a challenge. They planned on researching a special type of region in magnetic materials that could be useful for next-generation computers. Regions in magnetic materials—called magnetic domains—determine a material’s magnetic properties. The … Read more

Machine learning identifies crucial role of cold gas in galaxy mergers and black hole growth

When they are active, supermassive black holes play a crucial role in the way galaxies evolve. Until now, growth was thought to be triggered by the violent collision of two galaxies followed by their merger; however, new research led by the University of Bath suggests galaxy mergers alone are not enough to fuel a black … Read more