History of Life on Earth

The history of life on Earth spans billions of years, from the formation of our planet to the evolution of diverse life forms. This epic tale of biological evolution is intertwined with geological events, environmental changes, extinction events, and the emergence of complex organisms. The story of life on Earth is a testament to the … Read more

New bird fossil, Imparavis attenboroughi, represents earliest known toothless bird

The evolution of birds and their remarkable adaptations have long fascinated scientists, revealing intriguing insights into the history and diversity of life on Earth. Among the myriad discoveries, the emergence of toothlessness in birds stands as a testament to the complex evolutionary processes shaping avian diversity. Recently, in a groundbreaking study published in the journal … Read more

New mammal species discovered in Patagonia

A collaborative effort among archaeologists and paleontologists has led to the discovery and identification of a previously unknown mammal species from the Maastrichtian age, representing a significant breakthrough in the understanding of prehistoric life. Detailed in their publication in Scientific Reports, the researchers emphasize the exceptional size of this newfound mammal, surpassing others of its … Read more