Researchers control quantum states with spin-polarized currents

Researchers at ETH Zurich have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum physics by demonstrating that quantum states of single electron spins can be controlled using spin-polarized electron currents. This pioneering method holds potential for future applications in electronic circuit elements, potentially revolutionizing data storage and processing. The Spin of Electrons Electrons possess an intrinsic angular … Read more

Magnetic quivers provide geometric description of quantum vacua in supersymmetric QFTs

A simple concept of decay and fission of “magnetic quivers” helps to clarify complex quantum physics and mathematical structures. An international research team led by Marcus Sperling, a project leader at the Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, has sparked interest in the scientific community with pioneering results in quantum physics. In their current study, … Read more

Creation of a stable Bose-Einstein condensate from sodium-cesium molecules

There’s a hot new BEC in town that has nothing to do with bacon, egg, and cheese. You won’t find it at your local bodega, but in the coldest place in New York: the lab of Columbia physicist Sebastian Will, whose experimental group specializes in pushing atoms and molecules to temperatures just fractions of a … Read more

New study demonstrates momentum-exchange interaction to overcome atomic recoil

Precisely measuring the energy states of individual atoms has been a historical challenge for physicists due to atomic recoil. When an atom interacts with a photon, the atom “recoils” in the opposite direction, making it difficult to measure the position and momentum of the atom precisely. This recoil can have big implications for quantum sensing, … Read more

Scientists achieve targeted laser excitation of thorium nuclei, paving way for advanced clocks and fundamental physics studies

Physicists have been hoping for this moment for a long time: For many years, scientists all around the world have been searching for a very specific state of thorium atomic nuclei that promises revolutionary technological applications. It could be used, for example, to build a nuclear clock that could measure time more precisely than the … Read more

Scientists achieve frequency-domain photon number-path entanglement

Scientists have introduced a form of quantum entanglement known as frequency-domain photon number-path entanglement. This advance in quantum physics involves an innovative tool called a frequency beam splitter, which has the unique ability to alter the frequency of individual photons with a 50% success rate. For years, the scientific community has delved into spatial-domain photon … Read more

Efficient generation and control of entanglement in superconducting qubit arrays demonstrated

Entanglement is a fascinating phenomenon in the realm of quantum physics, where particles at the atomic level exhibit correlations that defy classical explanations. This unique aspect of quantum mechanics plays a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of quantum systems, particularly in the context of quantum computing. Quantum entanglement refers to the intricate correlation between … Read more

Researchers develop world’s first quantum-gas microscope for strontium atoms

Quantum physics requires high-precision sensing techniques to delve deeper into the microscopic properties of materials. From the analog quantum processors that have emerged recently, quantum-gas microscopes have proven to be powerful tools for understanding quantum systems at the atomic level. These devices produce images of quantum gases with very high resolution: They allow individual atoms … Read more

First direct evidence of wigner electron crystal

Electrons—the infinitesimally small particles that are known to zip around atoms—continue to amaze scientists despite the more than a century that scientists have studied them. Now, physicists at Princeton University have pushed the boundaries of our understanding of these minute particles by visualizing, for the first time, direct evidence for what is known as the … Read more

Quantum Entanglement: A Journey into Non-locality

Quantum entanglement is a fascinating and perplexing phenomenon in the realm of quantum mechanics, challenging our classical intuitions about the nature of reality. It is a concept that has captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike, leading to deep philosophical discussions and groundbreaking technological advancements. This journey into non-locality takes us into the … Read more

Physicists discover novel “hybrid topology” in elemental arsenic crystal

Physicists have observed a novel quantum effect termed “hybrid topology” in a crystalline material. This finding opens up a new range of possibilities for the development of efficient materials and technologies for next-generation quantum science and engineering. The finding, published in Nature, came when Princeton scientists discovered that an elemental solid crystal made of arsenic … Read more

Researchers unveil new behavior in surface plasmons

In a recent publication in Nature Physics, the LSU Quantum Photonics Group has unveiled groundbreaking insights into the fundamental characteristics of surface plasmons, challenging established paradigms and pushing the boundaries of quantum plasmonics research. Led by Associate Professor Omar Magaña-Loaiza, the experimental and theoretical investigations conducted within the group represent a significant leap forward in … Read more

Scientists amplify quantum interactions in micron-sized particles, advancing quantum physics research

The question of where the boundary between classical and quantum physics lies is one of the longest-standing pursuits of modern scientific research, and in new research published today, scientists demonstrate a novel platform that could help us find an answer. The laws of quantum physics govern the behavior of particles at miniscule scales, leading to … Read more

Niobium qubits rise from the ashes with new design and fabrication

For years, niobium was considered an underperformer when it came to superconducting qubits. Now, scientists supported by Q-NEXT have found a way to engineer a high-performing niobium-based qubit and take advantage of niobium’s superior qualities. When it comes to quantum technology, niobium is making a comeback. For the past 15 years, niobium has been sitting … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope observations reveal destruction and re-formation of water in planet-forming disk

An international team, including Western astrophysicists Els Peeters and Jan Cami, has found the destruction and re-formation of a large quantity of water in a planet-forming disk located at the heart of the Orion Nebula. This discovery was made possible by an original multidisciplinary approach combining observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and … Read more

First measurement of microscopic gravity could pave way for quantum gravity theory

Scientists are on the brink of unraveling the enigmatic forces governing the universe, as they have made significant strides in measuring gravity at a microscopic level. Understanding gravity at the quantum scale has long eluded scientists, including luminaries like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Einstein’s theory of general relativity couldn’t fully incorporate the quantum nature … Read more

Long-range quantum coherence observed in bismuth bromide topological insulator

In a groundbreaking experiment, physicists have recently observed long-range quantum coherence effects stemming from Aharonov-Bohm interference in a device based on topological insulators. This landmark discovery opens a new frontier in the realm of topological quantum physics and engineering, promising transformative possibilities for future technological development and our understanding of quantum information science. Published in … Read more

Temperature-dependent splitting of quadruply quantized vortices in superfluids

According to a recent study from the University of Helsinki, published in the journal Physical Review Letters, a vortex of a superfluid that has been quantized four times has three ways of dividing, depending on the temperature. The fluid transforms into a superfluid near the absolute zero point of temperature (approximately -273°C). Internal resisting forces, … Read more

Study proposes two-laser control scheme for enhancing quantum simulator power

Creating a quantum computer powerful enough to tackle problems we cannot solve with current computers remains a big challenge for quantum physicists. A well-functioning quantum simulator—a specific type of quantum computer—could lead to new discoveries about how the world works at the smallest scales. Quantum scientist Natalia Chepiga from Delft University of Technology has developed … Read more

Tiny atoms tweak time in high-density atomic clock lattice

In a new study published in Science today, JILA and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Fellow Jun Ye and his research team have taken a significant step in understanding the intricate and collective light-atom interactions within atomic clocks, the most precise clocks in the universe. Using a cubic lattice, the researchers measured specific … Read more