Marine Biology: Life in the Oceans

Marine biology is the scientific study of life in the oceans and other saltwater environments. It is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses various branches of biology, including ecology, physiology, genetics, and oceanography, to understand the complex interactions between marine organisms and their habitats. With over 70% of the Earth’s surface covered by oceans, marine biology … Read more

First direct evidence of wigner electron crystal

Electrons—the infinitesimally small particles that are known to zip around atoms—continue to amaze scientists despite the more than a century that scientists have studied them. Now, physicists at Princeton University have pushed the boundaries of our understanding of these minute particles by visualizing, for the first time, direct evidence for what is known as the … Read more

Scientists use cold ion crystals to study chemical reactions in space

While it may not look like it, the interstellar space between stars is far from empty. Atoms, ions, molecules, and more reside in this ethereal environment known as the Interstellar Medium (ISM). The ISM has fascinated scientists for decades, as at least 200 unique molecules form in its cold, low-pressure environment. It’s a subject that … Read more

Researchers develop world’s first portable room-temperature maser

Researchers from Imperial College London’s Department of Materials have crafted a cutting-edge portable maser, shrinking the technology to fit within the confines of a compact shoebox. Imperial College London had previously pioneered room-temperature solid-state masers in 2012, a milestone that underscored their capability to amplify faint electrical signals with high-frequency stability. This innovation is particularly … Read more

First measurement of microscopic gravity could pave way for quantum gravity theory

Scientists are on the brink of unraveling the enigmatic forces governing the universe, as they have made significant strides in measuring gravity at a microscopic level. Understanding gravity at the quantum scale has long eluded scientists, including luminaries like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Einstein’s theory of general relativity couldn’t fully incorporate the quantum nature … Read more