Scientists achieve multi-photon interference with less hardware

An international collaboration of researchers, led by Philip Walther at University of Vienna, have achieved a significant breakthrough in quantum technology, with the successful demonstration of quantum interference among several single photons using a novel resource-efficient platform. The work published in Science Advances represents a notable advancement in optical quantum computing that paves the way … Read more

Quantum Mechanics: Mysteries of the Subatomic World

Quantum mechanics is one of the most profound and revolutionary theories in modern physics, unraveling the mysteries of the subatomic world and fundamentally transforming our understanding of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces of nature. Developed in the early 20th century through the works of pioneering physicists such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, … Read more

Quantum Entanglement: A Journey into Non-locality

Quantum entanglement is a fascinating and perplexing phenomenon in the realm of quantum mechanics, challenging our classical intuitions about the nature of reality. It is a concept that has captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike, leading to deep philosophical discussions and groundbreaking technological advancements. This journey into non-locality takes us into the … Read more

Scientists achieve quantum information storage and retrieval for the first time

Researchers have produced, stored, and retrieved quantum information for the first time, a critical step in quantum networking. The ability to share quantum information is crucial for developing quantum networks for distributed computing and secure communication. Quantum computing will be useful for solving some important types of problems, such as optimizing financial risk, decrypting data, … Read more

Physicists discover novel “hybrid topology” in elemental arsenic crystal

Physicists have observed a novel quantum effect termed “hybrid topology” in a crystalline material. This finding opens up a new range of possibilities for the development of efficient materials and technologies for next-generation quantum science and engineering. The finding, published in Nature, came when Princeton scientists discovered that an elemental solid crystal made of arsenic … Read more

Pair distribution function technique unravels hidden electronic state in 1T-TaS2

Research often unfolds as a multistage process. The solution to one question can spark several more, inspiring scientists to reach further and look at the larger problem from several different perspectives. Such projects can often be the catalyst for collaborations that leverage the expertise and capabilities of different teams and institutions as they grow. For … Read more

New europium compound identified as potential candidate for quantum memory applications

In the quest to develop quantum computers and networks, there are many components that are fundamentally different than those used today. Like a modern computer, each of these components has different constraints. However, it is currently unclear which materials can be used to construct those components for the transmission and storage of quantum information. In … Read more

Researchers develop world’s first portable room-temperature maser

Researchers from Imperial College London’s Department of Materials have crafted a cutting-edge portable maser, shrinking the technology to fit within the confines of a compact shoebox. Imperial College London had previously pioneered room-temperature solid-state masers in 2012, a milestone that underscored their capability to amplify faint electrical signals with high-frequency stability. This innovation is particularly … Read more

Scientists create world-first reprogrammable light-based processor for quantum technologies

Scientists have created a reprogrammable light-based processor, a world-first, that they say could usher in a new era of quantum computing and communication. Technologies in these emerging fields that operate at the atomic level are already realizing big benefits for drug discovery and other small-scale applications. In the future, large-scale quantum computers promise to be … Read more

Scientists achieve four quantum control methods in single atom chip

Quantum computing engineers at UNSW Sydney have shown they can encode quantum information—the special data in a quantum computer—in four unique ways within a single atom, inside a silicon chip. The feat could alleviate some of the challenges in operating tens of millions of quantum computing units in just a few square millimeters of a … Read more

What is a microprocessor?

A microprocessor is a pivotal component of modern computing devices, serving as the brain that executes instructions and performs calculations. It is a miniature electronic device that contains millions or even billions of transistors etched onto a single semiconductor chip. The evolution of microprocessors has been instrumental in advancing computing technology, enabling the development of … Read more

1,000-qubit milestone achieved for quantum processors

Making quantum systems more scalable is one of the key requirements for the further development of quantum computers because the advantages they offer become increasingly evident as the systems are scaled up. Researchers at TU Darmstadt have recently taken a decisive step toward achieving this goal. Quantum processors based on two-dimensional arrays of optical tweezers, … Read more

Laser-printed microchips made easy, bypassing million-dollar facilities

Photonic integrated circuits are an important next-wave technology. These sophisticated microchips hold the potential to substantially decrease costs and increase speed and efficiency for electronic devices across a wide range of application areas, including automotive technology, communications, health care, data storage, and computing for artificial intelligence. Photonic circuits use photons, fundamental particles of light, to … Read more

Diamond microchiplet paves way for quantum internet

In a groundbreaking leap toward the realization of the quantum internet, a collaborative effort between researchers at MIT and the University of Cambridge has yielded a minuscule yet revolutionary device designed to facilitate the swift and efficient transmission of quantum information across vast distances. Central to this innovation is a tiny “microchiplet” crafted from diamond, … Read more

Mass-producible quantum memory paves the way for secure communication and quantum computing

The University of Basel has achieved a significant milestone in quantum technology by constructing a quantum memory element utilizing atoms confined within a minute glass cell. This breakthrough opens the door to a future where quantum memories could be produced on a mass scale, potentially on a wafer. In envisioning a world driven by quantum … Read more

Impact of quantum computing on traditional computing methods

Quantum computing, a cutting-edge field in the realm of information processing, has been gaining momentum in recent years. As researchers delve deeper into the principles of quantum mechanics to harness their power for computation, the impact on traditional computing methods is becoming increasingly apparent. In this exploration, we will delve into the fundamental differences between … Read more

Machine learning bridges the reality gap in quantum devices

The University of Oxford has spearheaded a groundbreaking study that harnesses the capabilities of machine learning to tackle a significant challenge in the realm of quantum devices. This pioneering research, detailed in Physical Review X, marks the first successful attempt to bridge the “reality gap” – the variance between predicted and observed behaviors in quantum … Read more

What is computer science?

Computer Science is a multidisciplinary field that explores the principles and applications of computation. It encompasses a broad range of topics, including algorithms, programming languages, data structures, artificial intelligence, and the design and analysis of computer systems. As a dynamic and rapidly evolving discipline, computer science plays a pivotal role in shaping the modern world … Read more

Harvard builds first true quantum processor

Harvard researchers have achieved a significant breakthrough in the pursuit of stable and scalable quantum computing, a high-speed technology with the potential for transformative advances in fields like medicine, science, and finance. Led by Mikhail Lukin, the team has developed the first programmable logical quantum processor, capable of encoding up to 48 logical qubits and … Read more

Harvard’s high-temperature superconductor diode breakthrough

Physicists have been captivated by superconductors for decades, yet these materials, facilitating the flawless flow of electrons, typically unveil their quantum marvel only at temperatures near absolute zero, making practical applications challenging. Harvard’s Professor Philip Kim and his team have presented a groundbreaking approach, outlined in the journal Science, to create and manipulate a prominent … Read more