Quantum algorithm revolutionizes simulation of coupled oscillators with exponential speedup

The concept of “coupled oscillations” may not immediately ring a bell, but these phenomena are ubiquitous in nature, manifesting in a variety of systems from mechanical structures to atomic bonds and gravitational interactions. Coupled harmonic oscillators, describing the interactions between masses and springs, serve as a foundational model in science and engineering, offering insights into … Read more

Researchers develop world’s first quantum-gas microscope for strontium atoms

Quantum physics requires high-precision sensing techniques to delve deeper into the microscopic properties of materials. From the analog quantum processors that have emerged recently, quantum-gas microscopes have proven to be powerful tools for understanding quantum systems at the atomic level. These devices produce images of quantum gases with very high resolution: They allow individual atoms … Read more

James Webb Space Telescope observations reveal destruction and re-formation of water in planet-forming disk

An international team, including Western astrophysicists Els Peeters and Jan Cami, has found the destruction and re-formation of a large quantity of water in a planet-forming disk located at the heart of the Orion Nebula. This discovery was made possible by an original multidisciplinary approach combining observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and … Read more