Study reveals how daughter cells protect themselves from inherited RNA damage

During the process of cell division, new daughter cells inherit a mix of genetic material and other molecules from their mother cells. This inheritance includes both beneficial components, which can help them for a robust start in life, and potentially harmful mutations or damaged molecules, posing significant challenges for the newly born daughter cells. How … Read more

Reduced ribosome production linked to extended lifespan and improved cellular health

Ribosomes, the “translation factories” of the cell, are cellular organelles that play a central role in protein synthesis, a vital process for all living organisms. These tiny structures themselves consist of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins and are essential for the survival and normal functioning of the cell, as the proteins they produce are required … Read more

Cryo-EM structures elucidate parental histone transfer during DNA replication

A research team has recently made a significant breakthrough in understanding how the DNA copying machine helps pass on epigenetic information to maintain gene traits at each cell division. Understanding how this coupled mechanism could lead to new treatments for cancer and other epigenetic diseases by targeting specific changes in gene activity. Their findings have recently been … Read more

Largest multiethnic study links smoking to DNA methylation patterns

Smoking changes the way genes are expressed, which later contributes to the development of lung cancer and other smoking-related illnesses. But the link between epigenetics (the study of mechanisms that impact gene expression) and smoking is not fully understood, especially in terms of differences across racial and ethnic groups. “We know that smoking affects people … Read more


Biology is the scientific study of life and living organisms. It explores a vast range of topics, including the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms. This discipline delves into various levels of biological organization, from molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems. Through methods like observation, experimentation, and analysis, biologists seek … Read more

What is DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid, commonly known as DNA, is a molecule that serves as the fundamental building block of life. Its intricate structure and vital functions form the basis of genetic information storage, transmission, and expression in all living organisms. Understanding the nature of DNA involves exploring its composition, the double-helical structure, and its role as the … Read more

What is the role of DNA in genetic inheritance?

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, plays a fundamental role in genetic inheritance, serving as the hereditary material that carries genetic information from one generation to the next. The intricate processes of DNA replication, transcription, and translation orchestrate the transmission of genetic instructions, ensuring the continuity of traits and characteristics. Understanding the multifaceted role of DNA in … Read more

Novel repeat gene cluster discovered in humans and non-human primates

Investigators from the laboratory of Ali Shilatifard, Ph.D., the Robert Francis Furchgott Professor and chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, have discovered a new repeat gene cluster sequence that is exclusively expressed in humans and non-human primates. The discovery, detailed in a study published in Science Advances, is a breakthrough for human genome biology and … Read more

Scientists discover plant epigenetic clock that can tell time for centuries

Recent breakthroughs in the realm of epigenetics, the study of hereditary traits without altering DNA sequences, have uncovered a fascinating revelation: the age of mammals correlates with accumulating epigenetic changes over their lifetimes. In the context of humans, this discovery has given rise to epigenetic clocks, now widely used as aging biomarkers. These clocks accurately … Read more

NSL complex regulates intraciliary transport system in cilia

Cilia, those delicate lash-like extensions protruding from cell surfaces, serve as versatile sensors, detecting mechanical and chemical cues while participating in critical signaling pathways. Over the past decades, cilia’s significance has transformed from ambiguous to alarming, as it shifted from a mysterious organelle to a key player in various diseases. These conditions, termed ciliopathies, encompass … Read more