SUBWAYS project: Shedding light on ultra-fast outflows from supermassive black holes

Ultra-fast outflows (UFOs) are the name given to the gas emissions that originate from the vicinity of supermassive black holes and travel at almost the speed of light. Despite their name, UFOs have nothing to do with aliens, but they play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of active supermassive black holes. The SUBWAYS … Read more

Scientists reveal origins of powerful jet from M87 galaxy’s supermassive black hole and discover larger ring

Today in Nature, the origins of the powerful jet emanating from the supermassive black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy were unveiled, alongside the first-ever image of the jet and its source together. The observations also revealed that the black hole’s ring is considerably larger than previously thought. The Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) … Read more

Galaxy collisions found to Ignite quasars: Unlocking a 60-year-old mystery

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding quasars, which are the brightest and most powerful objects in the universe. The mystery behind what triggers their intense activity has puzzled researchers since their discovery 60 years ago. However, a new study led by scientists at the Universities of Sheffield and Hertfordshire has uncovered that the ignition … Read more