Study uncovers previously unknown abelisaurid and noasaurid dinosaurs in Morocco

An international team of paleontologists from The Netherlands, the UK, Argentina, Germany and Belgium applied recently developed methods to measure theropod (carnivorous) dinosaur species diversity. The newly applied method uses both traditional phylogenetic analysis, discriminant analysis as well as machine learning. This new combination of analyses was performed on the teeth of carnivorous dinosaurs, named … Read more

Late triassic reptile diversity revealed in mendip hills fossils

Gliding winged-reptiles were among the ancient crocodile residents of the Mendip Hills in Somerset, researchers at the University of Bristol have revealed. Kuehneosaurs looked like lizards, but were more closely related to the ancestors of crocodilians and dinosaurs. They were small animals that could fit neatly on the palm of a hand, and there were … Read more

Scientists identify new carnivores that preyed on giant Jurassic sauropods

Recent research sheds light on the dining habits of ancient carnivorous dinosaurs from the Jurassic rocks of the U.S. A study published in PeerJ by Roberto Lei (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia) and colleagues delves into the bite marks left on the ancient bones of giant long-necked sauropod dinosaurs like Diplodocus and … Read more

Oldest dinosaur with air sacs discovered

Scientists have made an exciting discovery that bridges the gap between the earliest small dinosaurs and the gigantic creatures that captured our imagination. The missing link, known as Macrocollum itaquii, was found in Agudo, a town in Rio Grande do Sul state, South Brazil, and is the oldest dinosaur studied so far to possess air … Read more