Spiral galaxies scarce in supergalactic plane due to frequent mergers

Astrophysicists say they have found an answer to why spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way are largely missing from a part of our local universe called the Supergalactic Plane. The Supergalactic Plane is an enormous, flattened structure extending nearly a billion light years across in which our own Milky Way galaxy is embedded. While … Read more

Study reveals laniakea supercluster bias worsens hubble tension

The Hubble tension, a captivating puzzle in cosmology, arises from the challenge of precisely determining the rate of cosmic expansion. Various methods, from observing distant supernovae to measuring Doppler shifts near supermassive black holes, yield slightly divergent results. Whether our comprehension of the universe’s structure is incomplete or our perspective skewed within a galactic supercluster … Read more

How would superfluid helium 3He feel to touch?

Researchers at Lancaster University in the UK have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the unique properties of superfluid helium-3 (3He). Dr. Samuli Autti, the lead author of the research published in Nature Communications, has shed light on how it would feel to interact with this quantum system. The interface between quantum physics and our everyday … Read more

Black hole pairs possible in expanding universe

Researchers from the University of Southampton, in collaboration with their counterparts from the universities of Cambridge and Barcelona, have introduced a groundbreaking concept – the theoretical possibility of perfectly balanced pairs of black holes. These duos are held in a delicate equilibrium by a cosmic force, effectively disguising themselves as a single black hole. Black … Read more

What is Protons?

A proton is a subatomic particle, a fundamental constituent of matter, and one of the three primary particles that make up atoms. Alongside neutrons and electrons, protons are the essential components that give rise to the diversity of elements in the periodic table. Discovered in 1919 by Ernest Rutherford, protons are positively charged particles residing … Read more

Supercomputer simulations suggest saturn’s rings formed from massive collision

A fresh set of supercomputer simulations has unveiled a potential solution to the mystery surrounding the origin of Saturn’s iconic rings. These findings, recently published in The Astrophysical Journal and involving collaborative research between NASA, Durham University, and Glasgow University, propose that Saturn’s rings may have emerged from the aftermath of a colossal collision that … Read more

New gaia data reveals Milky Way is less massive than previously thought

The latest Gaia satellite catalog from the European Space Agency (ESA) has led to a groundbreaking discovery by an international team of astronomers from the Paris Observatory–PSL and the CNRS. They’ve achieved an unparalleled level of precision in measuring the Milky Way’s mass, which has far-reaching implications in the field of cosmology, especially in our … Read more

Universe made up of 31% matter, 69% dark energy, study finds

A team of international scientists, including researchers from Chiba University, has recently achieved a remarkable feat in the field of cosmology by measuring the total amount of matter in the universe for the second time. Published in The Astrophysical Journal, their findings indicate that matter constitutes 31% of the total matter and energy in the … Read more

Two new cold fronts discovered in galaxy cluster Abell 3558

Astronomers at the University of Alabama in Huntsville conducted a study on the galaxy cluster Abell 3558 using ESA’s XMM-Newton spacecraft. Their research, published on August 30 in the pre-print server arXiv, unveiled the presence of two significant cold fronts in the outer regions of this cluster. Galaxy clusters, containing thousands of galaxies held together … Read more

Scientists discover slower growth of large cosmic structures than expected

Researchers at the University of Michigan have made a groundbreaking discovery concerning the growth of large cosmic structures in our ever-evolving universe. Their findings challenge the predictions of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, revealing that these structures are growing at a slower rate than expected. Notably, this effect becomes more pronounced as dark energy accelerates … Read more

Astronomers discover huge bubble of galaxies that may be a remnant of the early universe

Researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi have stumbled upon a colossal bubble situated a staggering 820 million light years away from our planet. This massive celestial object, dubbed Hoʻoleilana, draws its name from the Kumulipo, a Hawaiian creation chant symbolizing the universe’s origin. Their unexpected discovery, detailed in The Astrophysical Journal, aligns with predictions from … Read more

New model proposes universe is 26.7 billion years old, not 13.8 billion

Observations made by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) challenge current cosmological models designed to explain the early universe. These prevailing models, which are based on the concept of the big bang and an expanding universe, suggest that the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old. In contrast, my research introduces an alternative model proposing … Read more

Neutrinos could reveal secrets of the universe

In a recent study, scientists have made progress in understanding how exploding stars can help unveil the hidden interactions of neutrinos, enigmatic subatomic particles. Neutrinos, mysterious and elusive, barely interact with regular matter as they traverse it near the speed of light. Despite their abundance and constant passage through us, their elusive nature makes them … Read more

Leipzig researchers develop new algorithm to study long-range interactions

At Leipzig University, researchers have devised an efficient method to study systems with long-range interactions, which were previously challenging to comprehend. These systems, like gases and magnets, have atoms interacting not only with their neighbors but also over long distances. Professor Wolfhard Janke and his team use Monte Carlo computer simulations, generating random system states … Read more

Dark energy may evolve in time, connected to dark matter by new force of nature

Dark energy, the mysterious force responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe, remains a puzzle in cosmology. While the prevailing hypothesis suggests that dark energy is a cosmological constant, some scientists are exploring more intriguing possibilities. One fascinating idea proposes that dark energy evolves over time, leading to significant variations in the rate of … Read more

New method uses gravitational waves to measure cosmic expansion

The expansion of the universe has been a known phenomenon for about a century. However, determining the rate at which celestial objects are moving away from each other remains a topic of debate. Measuring the rate of cosmic expansion across vast distances is a challenging task. Over time, scientists have refined their measurements, but there … Read more

Milky Way’s chemical composition compared to other galaxies

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy have undertaken a groundbreaking study in which they reconstructed how alien astronomers would perceive our Milky Way galaxy if they were observing it from a distant vantage point. This research not only expands our understanding of the cosmos but also enables a novel approach to comparing our … Read more

New study reveals potential source of gravitational waves from the early universe

A recent study published in Physical Review Letters on May 2 has revealed an exciting new discovery regarding the production of gravitational waves. Researchers have identified a generic production mechanism involving oscillons, which are solitonic “lumps” formed from the fragmentation of the inflaton field responsible for the rapid expansion of the early universe. This finding … Read more