Astronomers discover first radiation belt outside our solar system

In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers have detected the first-ever radiation belt outside our solar system. This remarkable finding was made possible through the collaboration of 39 radio dishes spanning from Hawaii to Germany, which captured high-resolution images. By analyzing the persistent and intense radio emissions emitted by an ultracool dwarf, scientists were able to identify … Read more

Imperial College researchers create spinning disk of plasma in lab to study black holes and star formation

Researchers at Imperial College have achieved a groundbreaking feat by generating a spinning disk of plasma in a laboratory setting. This remarkable accomplishment allows for a more faithful emulation of the plasma disks that encircle black holes and give rise to the formation of stars. By replicating the behavior of matter as it approaches a … Read more

Unraveling the mystery: Tidal shocks illuminate bright outbursts in star-black hole encounters

A groundbreaking study has shed light on the dazzling bursts of radiation that occur when a star meets its demise near a supermassive black hole. Contrary to previous assumptions that these outbursts originated in the immediate vicinity of the black hole, it appears that they are actually generated by tidal shocks. These shocks occur when … Read more

UNSW engineers use jellybean quantum dots to solve wiring challenges in quantum computing

Engineers at UNSW Sydney have made a significant advancement in quantum computing by introducing a solution known as “jellybean quantum dots.” These elongated areas between qubit pairs create additional space for wiring, allowing for a greater number of qubits to be packed onto a silicon microchip without disrupting their interaction. While the concept of jellybean … Read more

Penn State researchers discover new blazars and test a controversial theory of black hole emissions

Researchers from Penn State have characterized over a hundred previously unclassified high-energy cosmic emissions as new blazars, which are distant and active galaxies with a central supermassive black hole that produces powerful jets. These newly identified blazars, though dim compared to more typical ones, have provided the researchers with the opportunity to test a controversial … Read more

Groundbreaking study unveils new approach to investigate solar particle acceleration using energetic neutral atoms

Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME) are among the most powerful phenomena in the solar system, unleashing vast amounts of highly energetic plasma gas towards Earth’s magnetic field. This intense activity poses a risk to power grids, satellites, and communication networks. Understanding the particle acceleration process behind these events, particularly in large solar energetic … Read more

Pioneering research: Harnessing magnetotactic bacteria to purify uranium-contaminated water

Researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have achieved a significant breakthrough in water purification by utilizing magnetotactic bacteria. These unique bacteria possess the ability to respond to magnetic fields and can accumulate heavy metals, such as uranium, within their cell walls. This novel discovery also provides valuable insights into the interaction between uranium and bioligands. … Read more

Breakthrough discovery: Manganese palladium compound paves the way for energy-efficient AI memory storage

In the past decade, the demand for computing power has skyrocketed with the emergence of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This has led to a need for energy-efficient hardware designs that can handle the increasing computational requirements, improve processing speed, and enable AI training directly on devices. According to Shan Wang, the Leland T. Edwards … Read more

Discovery of long-range skin Josephson supercurrent in van der Waals ferromagnet

A recent study published in Nature Communications by Prof. Xiang Bin’s group from the University of Science and Technology of China, in collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Wang Zhi from Sun Yat-sen University, has made a significant discovery in the field of superconductivity. The researchers successfully observed a long-range skin Josephson supercurrent across a van der … Read more

Discovery of coherent spin excitons challenges traditional magnetism in nickel molybdate

In a recent study published in Nature Communications, physicists from Rice University and their collaborators have made a fascinating discovery regarding spin excitations in magnets. Typically, when electron spins in a magnet are perturbed, it results in the formation of spin waves that propagate through the magnet like ripples on a pond. However, in this … Read more

Quantum electrodynamics theory explains puzzling observations of polarized X-rays from magnetar

According to a Cornell astrophysicist, a “beautiful effect” predicted by quantum electrodynamics (QED) could explain the perplexing initial observations of polarized X-rays emitted by a magnetar, a neutron star with a powerful magnetic field. Lower- and higher-energy X-rays were found to be polarized differently by NASA’s Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) satellite last year, with … Read more