Protein unveiled to prevent aging by mending key organelles

Maintaining the health of organelles within cells is akin to sustaining the well-being of vital organs in the human body. Among these subcellular structures, mitochondria fuel cellular activities, while lysosomes play a crucial role in maintaining cellular cleanliness. Despite their importance, understanding the regulation and upkeep of these organelles has remained elusive, especially in the … Read more

Cellular processes demystified

Cellular processes are the intricate series of events that occur within a cell, governing its growth, maintenance, and reproduction. Demystifying these processes involves unraveling the complex molecular choreography that underlies cellular life. From the fundamental processes like cell division to the intricate pathways of cellular communication, understanding these mechanisms is essential for comprehending life at … Read more

What is mitochondria?

Mitochondria are dynamic and vital organelles found in the cells of eukaryotic organisms, playing a central role in energy production and numerous cellular processes. These double-membraned structures are often referred to as the “powerhouses of the cell” due to their primary function of generating adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cellular currency for energy. However, their significance … Read more

cGAS/STING pathway linked to chronic inflammation and functional decline in aging

As we grow older, our bodies undergo numerous changes that can impact our overall health and make us more susceptible to diseases. One common factor in the aging process is low-grade inflammation, which contributes to age-related decline and impairment. However, the precise pathways responsible for this inflammation and their impact on natural aging have remained … Read more