New manganese-fluorine catalyst unveiled with exceptional oxidizing power

A groundbreaking catalyst with unparalleled oxidizing power has been unveiled by a research team affiliated with UNIST, promising to revolutionize multiple fields, including metal catalyst development and synthetic chemistry. This catalyst, a remarkable achievement in catalytic research, has the potential to drive significant advancements. Under the leadership of Professor Jaeheung Cho from the Department of … Read more

Electric & magnetic fields influence biomolecule mirror-image selection

Biomolecules such as amino acids and sugars occur in two mirror-image forms—in all living organisms, however, only one is ever found. Why this is the case is still unclear. Researchers at Empa and Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany have now found evidence that the interplay between electric and magnetic fields could be at the origin of … Read more

What is amino acid?

Amino acids are fundamental building blocks of proteins and play crucial roles in numerous biological processes. Understanding the structure, function, and significance of amino acids is essential for comprehending the complexity of living organisms and the molecular mechanisms that underlie their functions. Amino acids are organic molecules composed of a central carbon atom (referred to … Read more

Concept of stoichiometry in chemistry

Stoichiometry is a foundational concept in chemistry that deals with the quantitative relationships between reactants and products in chemical reactions. It enables chemists to predict the amounts of substances consumed and produced during a reaction, providing crucial insights into the composition and behavior of matter. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the principles … Read more

Precisely placed nanoparticles enhance selectivity in catalytic reactions

Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), Harvard Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, and Utrecht University have reported on a previously elusive way to improve the selectivity of catalytic reactions, adding a new method of increasing the efficacy of catalysts for a potentially wide range of applications … Read more

New X-ray technique unveils attosecond dynamics of electrons in liquid water

In a groundbreaking experiment reminiscent of stop-motion photography, scientists have achieved the remarkable feat of isolating the energetic movement of an electron while simultaneously “freezing” the motion of the much larger atom it orbits within a sample of liquid water. Published in the esteemed journal Science, the findings represent a significant leap forward in our … Read more

Green Chemistry

Green chemistry, also known as sustainable chemistry, is a rapidly growing field that focuses on designing chemical products and processes that minimize the use and generation of hazardous substances. It aims to reduce the environmental impact of chemical manufacturing and promote the efficient use of resources, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly … Read more

Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the study of carbon-containing compounds. It is a vast and diverse field with applications ranging from pharmaceuticals and materials science to agriculture and environmental science. The study of organic chemistry dates back centuries, with significant advancements made in understanding the structure, properties, and reactions of … Read more

Scientists seek planets with “CO runaway” for life’s origins

The search for habitable exoplanets involves looking for planets with similar conditions to the Earth, such as liquid water, a suitable temperature range and atmospheric conditions. One crucial factor is the planet’s position in the habitable zone, the region around a star where liquid water could potentially exist on the planet’s surface. NASA’s Kepler telescope, … Read more

New imaging method unveils secrets of natural plant degradation process

Scientists have spent decades finding ways to efficiently and affordably degrade plant materials so that they can be converted into useful bioproducts that benefit everyday life. Bio-based fuels, detergents, nutritional supplements, and even plastics are the result of this work. And while scientists have found ways to degrade plants to the extent needed to produce … Read more

Role of ATP in cellular processes

Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, serves as the primary energy currency in living organisms, playing a crucial role in various cellular processes across all forms of life. Its significance lies in its ability to store and transfer energy within cells, enabling fundamental biological functions necessary for life, growth, and reproduction. At its core, ATP consists of … Read more

Significance of the Goldilocks zone in astrobiology

The Goldilocks zone, also known as the habitable zone, is a concept in astrobiology that delineates a region around a star where conditions are just right for liquid water to exist on the surface of a planet. This region is neither too hot nor too cold, but falls within a range of temperatures conducive to … Read more

Ten electrons to rule them all: New rule simplifies catalyst design

A collaborative effort spanning four universities has uncovered a straightforward guideline known as the “ten electron rule” for designing single-atom alloy catalysts tailored for specific chemical reactions. This rule simplifies the identification of promising catalysts, allowing scientists to propose compositions by merely consulting the periodic table, bypassing the need for extensive trial-and-error experiments or computationally … Read more

Concept of entropy in thermodynamics

Entropy is a fundamental concept in the field of thermodynamics, a branch of physics that deals with the study of energy transformations. Introduced in the 19th century, entropy plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of systems, particularly regarding energy dispersal and the direction of natural processes. This concept provides a lens through which … Read more

Difference between an element and a compound

Elements and compounds are foundational concepts in chemistry, representing the building blocks of matter. Understanding the differences between them is essential for grasping the intricacies of chemical structures and reactions. Elements are the simplest substances, composed of only one type of atom, while compounds result from the chemical combination of two or more different elements … Read more

Process of photosynthesis and its chemical equation

Photosynthesis, a fundamental process in the realm of biology, serves as the primary mechanism through which green plants, algae, and certain bacteria harness solar energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. This intricate biochemical process not only sustains the producers themselves but also plays a pivotal role in the global ecosystem by providing … Read more

How does RNA differ from DNA in terms of structure and function?

RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) are both essential nucleic acids found in living cells, playing crucial roles in the storage and transmission of genetic information. Despite sharing some similarities, they exhibit key differences in terms of structure and function, reflecting their distinct roles within cellular processes. Structure At a fundamental level, both RNA … Read more

Concept of homeostasis in living organisms

Homeostasis is a fundamental concept in biology that refers to the ability of living organisms to maintain internal stability and equilibrium in the face of changing external conditions. This delicate balance is crucial for the proper functioning and survival of organisms, ensuring that essential physiological processes operate within optimal ranges. The concept of homeostasis spans … Read more

Sun-powered chemistry: Visible light turns simple ingredients into complex molecules

Heterocyclic compounds, intricate organic molecules featuring a ring structure comprising multiple elements, are increasingly coveted in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry due to their versatility and potent physiological activities. However, conventional synthesis methods often involve high temperatures, pressures, or precious metal catalysts, contributing to economic and environmental concerns. A groundbreaking study by a collaborative team … Read more

Concept of pH in chemistry

pH, an abbreviation for “potential of hydrogen,” is a crucial concept in chemistry that measures the acidity or basicity of a solution. It is a logarithmic scale that quantifies the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, providing a standardized method to express the acidity or alkalinity of substances. The concept of pH was introduced … Read more